Offbeat Infographics

Aussie Big Things

Aussies are known for plenty of weird things: loving the taste of Vegemite, shortening every single word in the English language and putting beetroot in hamburgers. But maybe the weirdest of all is their love for Big Things – giant roadside structures that can be found all over Australia. With over 150 Big Things scattered across the country, they can turn up just about anywhere, but to make things easy, the folks at have created some popular categories to look out for.

Australian Vaping Laws

Australians continue to enjoy vaping, but not every state allows nicotine e-liquids. Oz Vapour have put together a comprehensive guide to state laws, so you can enjoy your vape and stay on the right side of the law.

Awesome Lego Creations

The wondrous art and science of building life size LEGO brick creations has captured the awe of many across the world. So much so that LEGOLAND has put together an infographic of statistics that LEGOLAND enthusiasts (and even those less familiar) are sure to enjoy.

The 10 Most Expensive Paintings In The World

This infographic shows details of the ten most expensive paintings ever sold. It contains information about each painting including the price, the artist, the buyer, the seller and other relevant information about the painting.

Who Really Owns Your e-Cigarette?

This infographic from Purplebox highlights how the tobacco industry is trying to establish themselves in the vaping market. You might be surprised just who owns your e-cigs.

E-Cigarettes: Seeing Through the Vapor

Here is an infographic put together by that explains what E-cigarettes actually are and what parents can do to help their teens avoid this drug.

Dubai Interesting Statistics and Facts

Did you know international visitors account for 62% of total arrival in Dubai and city of Dubai has the highest 4.8 visitors per resident in world followed by Amsterdam with only 2.6 visitors per resident. Check out the following infographic for more interesting facts about Dubai.

Guide To Eyeglass Frame Measurements

When selecting new eye glasses, it is best to note down the frame size from your old pair of prescription glasses if they fit well on your face. Here is a guide to eyeglass frame measurements put together by Marvel Optics.

13 Things You Never Knew About the Millennium Falcon

Are you a fan of Star Wars series? Surely you know various details about this amazing film series, but certainly you do not know everything. Read this fun infographic to learn amazing things about the Millennium Falcon you definitely didn’t already knew.

The Different Types of Wedding Photographer

With so many professional wedding photographers now available throughout the world, the task of choosing the right photographer to capture your wedding can certainly feel like a daunting task. Fortunately, this fun infographic will help narrow down your choices by selecting the style of wedding photography that is right for you.