Offbeat Infographics

The Evolution of the Zombie

The Evolution of the Zombie

The entertainment industry has surrendered to the zombie culture. Check out how we have welcomed the undead since the 1930s in this infographic from

Secrets of the World’s Oldest People

Today, people are living longer than ever. But what do the world’s oldest people have in common? Check out the infographic below to learn more.

Is a Zombie Invasion Possible?

A zombie invasion is not only possible, it may already be happening! You think all those writers in Hollywood are just making this stuff up? Like they have that kind of imagination? Find out for yourself if a zombie invasion is really possible with the help of this infographic.

Mass Shootings: Acceleration

Mass killings have occurred for a long time in the world and America but recently random acts of violence in public have been on the rise. Here Security Degree Hub has a look at the history of mass killings throughout the 20th century.

10 Coolest Special Effects Spaceships

Special effects have evolved tremendously over the last century. Consider – for example – how effects artists have depicted space travel in the movies. Animation Mentor has compiled a top ten list, based on design, technological innovation, the use of computer graphics and the lasting impression made on viewers.

Can You Read Other People’s Emotions?

A smile means the same thing in any language. But there are in fact seven universal emotional expressions. As a poker player recognizing all of them can be very useful. Have a look at the following infographic to learn more.

How Much is The Zombie Economy Worth?

Did you know it’s possible to work as a zombie? It’s just one of the many awesome consequences of the zombie economy. In this infographic from, learn just how much the zombie economy is worth.

The 10 Best Places To Pee

The 10 Best Places To Pee

The average person spends 3 years on the toilet. Seems like a long time to be spent in dull surroundings, doesn’t it? Fear not though! has put together this handy infographic on the 10 best places to pee and just in time for “World Toilet Day” which is today. So whether your in a bathroom ,6000 feet above ground level, or surrounded by 80,000 fresh violets, going to the loo will never be boring again.

War Against the Homeless

This infographic includes exhaustive data about homelessness including states accounting for nearly half the homeless population, states having the highest rates of unsheltered homeless and more.


Cyberbullying is defined as the “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.” With 80% of teens on cell phones and the same on social media sites, it’s time to understand that technology is connecting teens in ways they can’t escape. Best Education Degrees explores this issue in the following infographic.