Offbeat Infographics

Crisis on Campus: The Untold Story of Student Suicides

6 % of undergraduates and 4 percent of graduate students in 4-year colleges have “seriously considered attempting suicide” in the past year—and nearly half of each group did not tell anyone. This infographic looks at the untold story of student suicides.

25 Incredible Facts About Hong Kong Venues & Events

Hong Kong, one of the world’s most vibrant and exciting cities, hosts some truly world-class events in its calendar, a fact sometimes lost on those who view the SAR as merely a finance hub. It’s also home to some of Asia’s most spectacular event venues. This infographic is simply a celebration of the most remarkable of these.

Types of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse happens across the country, but did you know that victims of sexual abuse are 26 more likely to abuse drugs and substances. This fact and many others can be seen in the following infographic. It covers the four types of sexual abuse, statistics for both males and females sexual abuse victims, and common examples of what is considered sexual abuse.

Happy Thanksgivukkah

Back on November 29, 1888, Thanksgiving occurred on the first day of Hanukkah. This overlap is happening again this year, but will not occur again for another 79,043 years afterwards! Celebrate Thanksgivukkah with this infographic.

Common Phrases That Grew From Grass

There is a lot of grass in this world and while you might think that would make it an uninteresting point of interest, it has actually generated an extreme amount of conversational clout as a result. Yes, although slightly mundane on the surface, Biograss has put together a number of memorable phrases, idioms and lyrics that would not exist without green grass.

What Sells on the Black Market?

There are 1.8 billion global black market jobs. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the black market and what it sells.

How Likely Are You To Get Burgled?

Ever wondered the chances of you getting robbed in New York, California, New Orleans, and Alaska? Well this handy interactive infographic from the folks at SimpliSafe tells you in less than 5 seconds.

The Ins & Outs of Owning a Tank

What do the Chuckle Brothers, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden and author Tom Clancy have in common? They all own tanks! If you would like to join this prestigious group, this infographic has information about buying your own tank.

Meet the Crooks Behind Identity Theft

Meet the Crooks Behind Identity Theft

Identity theft is growing 15-20% a year and every one of us is a potential victim, regardless of our age, nationality, or status. Victims of identity theft suffer more than just financial loss. Damage to their reputation and credit rating could take months and sometimes years to repair! The following infographic introduces you to the 3 crooks behind identity theft.

Movember (Grow a Moustache in November)

This infographic takes a look at “Movember,” an annual, month-long event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of various health issues.