Offbeat Infographics

World Toilet Day

This infographic was created to raise awareness of World Toilet Day. Learn interesting facts such as who died falling off a toilet, where there’s a urine powered games console, shocking sanitation facts and more.

Securing Our Schools: The Need For Safety in the Classroom

Securing Our Schools: The Need For Safety in the Classroom

America has a history of 250 years of violence in schools where 297 people have been killed in 137 fatal school shootings. What have we learned from them and the major components for creating a safe school climate are presented in an interesting infographic.

Banish Those Bed Bugs With The Power of Steam

In the past, the only way of killing bed bugs would be to spray treat the entire infested area with harmful chemicals like pesticides. However, that has some serious harmful consequences, especially if you are going to be breathing in the fumes. In recent years, the...

Most Powerful and Superior Countries in the World

This infographic presents detailed information on the most powerful and superior countries in the world. Countries include the U.S.A. China, Russia, India France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Israel and Brazil.

A Guide to the Brown Recluse Spider

Here is a helpful guide to the Brown Recluse including how the spider bites, where they can be found and what they look like. The Brown Recluse, also known as the violin spider, is a poisonous creature whose bite can cause children and adults to become ill.

Statistics of World’s Most Powerful Armies

If only the world was a perfect, there would be no need of armies and wars. But in reality, threats domestically and abroad place every country is at risk which compels them to train and establish military forces to protect their countries from security threats and risks. There are several striking armies which are popularly known for their size of army personnel and number of warships. This infographic takes a look at some of them.

Top 10 Famous Pin-Ups of All Time

Top 10 Famous Pin-Ups of All Time

In the 1940’s, thousands of American soldiers were overseas fighting in World War II. This gruesome war throughout Europe and the Pacific was draining on each man mentally and physically. One of the most popular ways to raise the morale of these brave soldiers was by handing out pin-up photos of beautiful women as a way to remind them of what they were fighting for back home.

Tracing the Great Chinese Gold Rush

As we in the West pile up the debt and print money, across the world, China has freed her enormous gold investment market and is sucking up all the world’s physical gold bars. Why is China doing this? Simple – to usurp the US dollar and American financial power.

The Most Expensive Gemstones in the World

Throughout history gemstones have been coveted not just for their beauty, but also to show wealth and prosperity. Today most gemstones are quite affordable, however, there are still a number of very expensive gemstones, usually due to a combination of high demand, rarity and beauty. To find out just how astronomically high prices can get for gemstones, check out the following infographic.