Offbeat Infographics
The 10 Worst World Disasters in Human History
There have been numerous natural disasters in recent history, ranging from the January 2010 earthquake that struck Haiti, to Cyclone Aila, which hit Bangladesh and India in May of 2009, killing approximately 330 people, and affecting upwards of 1 million. The following infographic lists the 10 worst disasters in human history:
The State Trees of America
Back in 1893, when states were relatively new entities, a congress of women at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago proposed a “National Garland of Flowers” created from flowers that represent each state. This evolved into official designations of flowers by state legislatures. The concept caught fire, leading to official birds, trees, fish, food, and much more.
The Most Catastrophic Mining Disasters of the Past 50 Years
Mining provides resources that are fundamental to American life. In fact, even the modern computer uses at least 16 minerals, most of which need to be mined. However, harvesting volatile materials such as coal is not without risks. This infographic explores the most catastrophic mining disasters that have occurred in the past 50 years.
Metal Fabrication 101: Techniques, Types, & Metal Building Applications
Metal fabrication has become huge in America, thanks in part to the availability of materials, the fact that metal is easy to work with when handled properly, and the resulting strength, precision, and versatility of manufactured metal components. Carport Central presents this handy infographic, where they explore a survey of the many processes, techniques, and advantages involved with metal fabrication.
Christmas 2020 Statistics
With the pandemic going on, it is expected that this year’s Christmas will be very different compared to what we are used to. Each individual is affected differently. For example, some cannot see their families due to travel restrictions and consumers will more likely save their money instead of spending it Christmas. This is why this year’s Christmas will have the lowest expenditure over the last few years.
How To Stamp Leather with a Custom Stamp & Mallet
Whether you want to leave your mark on an exclusive handbag or a pair of traditional moccasins, you can use a custom leather stamp to personalize your leather goods. Check out this simple visual guide to getting started in stamping leather with a cold stamp and mallet.
The Effects of Common Types of Soil on Metal Building Foundations
Have you considered which type of soil will be the best foundation for a new metal building? You will want to have a very stable foundation that will not move or shift in any way regardless of weather, such as rain and snow, or even flooding if you happen to live in a flood-prone area. You want a foundation that has good drainage and will avoid water pooling around your building.
Cards Up Their Sleeves: Top Celebrity Gamblers
Celebrity gamers are driven by the same rush an average person feels when he or she plays a hand, throws the dice, or utters the famous “Hit me.” But, some celebrities are more successful than others. A handful of them achieved stardom in this field while others managed to get banned for life. This infographic presents the most popular celebrity casino lovers along with their biggest wins and losses.
10 World Records You Can Break Working From Home
2020 has been a year of an all-time high for employees working from home, but along with that has come added stress levels. To help combat this, people are encouraged to take frequent breaks to avoid over-working. How about trying to break a Word Record? Here is an infographic which explores fun and harmless competition in the form of world record-breaking attempts… all in the comfort of your own home.
20 Benefits of Handwriting For Your Learning Process
Some believe that we don’t need handwriting anymore because modern software allows us to type or use voice input to note information and easily distribute it to numerous devices. Note-taking apps, word processors, and other online tools have made our lives easier. Moreover, they have granted access to information to people with disabilities. However, handwriting is still an integral part of education.
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