Offbeat Infographics

Diamonds Are Forever: Process of a Diamond Ring

In 2011, $11 billion was spent on wedding and engagement rings in the U.S. Picking the right ring is an important part of the proposal process. It’s estimated that grooms can sometimes take somewhere around three months to find the right diamond ring for their brides. This comes to no surprise, thanks to the various diamond types, sizes, and styles that exist on the market and in jewelry stores today.

Energy Benchmarking in DC

Energy Benchmarking compares a building’s energy and water usage with the performance of other similar buildings. With new energy benchmarking regulations in place, Washington DC building owners need to submit yearly benchmarking reports. Learn all about benchmarking and the upcoming deadline in this in infographic.

The Best Things In Life Aren’t Free

If you are one of those who think that happiness is free, this fun infographic will prove you wrong. It is showing us all the little pleasures we think are free, actually have a cost, and quite an important one sometimes!

How Much Would Breaking Bad’s Caravan Cost To Insure?

If you’re a Breaking Bad fan, have you ever wondered how much it would cost to insure your own mobile meth lab? Now while the folks at Coast Insurance do not condone or endorse that type of illegal activity, they did go to the lengths of quoting an insurance premium for the mobile meth lab used in Breaking Bad. The results are quite interesting!

Quinceañera: Tips for the Other Big Day

For some young women, though, the currents of rich and ancient traditions continue to run powerfully through their culture, religion, and lifestyle. Quinceañeras are not only historically significant, but also offer young women a chance to celebrate their heritage through fashion, beauty, and elaborate rituals.

The Ultimate Towel Folding Guide

The practice and study of origami involve various topics relevant to the mathematical field, but you don’t need to be any expert to fold some towels in a nice and different way. Terrys Fabrics shows us how in the following infographic.

Exposing What Happens Behind Closed Doors

Approximately 33 million Americans admit that they have been victims of domestic violence. Check out the infographic below presented by to learn more about the numbers behind domestic violence in the United States.

Tax Me If You Can

Who doesn’t love tax deductions? However, there are some quite bizarre tax deductions out there. Check out the infographic below to learn about them.

A Guide To Changing Guitar Strings

The following infographic is a guide for beginners on how to change guitar strings. Do you hate having too much slack when putting on a new set of strings? This infographic provides information on the approximate lengths needed so everything looks nice and neat.