Offbeat Infographics

Possible Causes of The Military Suicide Epidemic

It is not the fear and the terror that service members endure in the battlefield that inflicts most psychological damage, but feelings of shame and guilt related to the moral injuries they suffer. This infographic presents some of the main causes of suicide among armed forces officers.

Building Better Superheroes

The following infographic from compares the physique and build of the actors in some of the classic Superhero movies to the newer versions of Superman, Batman, Hulk and Spiderman.

The Brain of a Serial Killer

Ever wonder what makes a serial killer’s brain tick? Check out the infographic below presented by to learn about the psychology behind serial killers.

The Ushpizin: The Seven Guests Demystified

Foregrounding one of the most interesting traditions rooted in the Jewish religion, the reception of the ushpizin into a family’s sukkah during the celebration of the Sukkot, this infographic is truly a must read for Jewish individuals who seek to strengthen their knowledge regarding their abundant culture and religion, as well as those who subscribe to other faiths, but are just as interested in learning and discovering a thing or two about Judaism.

Kidnapping in Numbers

Kidnapping, also known as ‘abduction,’ is a very serious issue in America. Every 40 seconds, there is another report of someone under 18, who has either gone missing or has been abducted. If these figures are accurate, such numbers amount to over 2,000 children every day. Even more frightening? Of missing child reports, 1 in every 10,000 children who are categorized under missing children reports are murdered. Learn more about “kidnapping in numbers” with the following infographic

Zombies Vs. Door to Door Storage

This infographic showcases 10 creative ideas for using portable moving and storage containers in the event of a zombie apocalypse. From Zombie traps and emergency bunkers to spike pits and people movers. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, portable storage containers could literally save your life!

The World’s Dirtiest Jobs

The World’s Dirtiest Jobs

Whether it’s cleaning a smelly animal cage or a bloody crime scene, there are many dirty jobs in the world and somebody has to perform them. This infographic illustrates some of the world’s dirtiest jobs.

The War on Drug Communities

The War on Drug Communities

We have been fighting a War on Drugs since 1971, but what do we have to show for it? Millions of addicts, and to support them, there are millions of people who farm, produce, and distribute the drugs they use. We often don’t think of these poor families because they are not here in the United States – they are in other parts of the war.

Profiles of 10 Social Workers Assisting Those in Need

Social workers don’t often get the credit they deserve. Often working long hours, many have sacrificed their own time and needs to foster change and create a positive sense of environment to those they foster to. This infographic from Case Western Reserve University pays homage to all social workers, by taking a look at 10 exceptional cases who have paved the ways for social justice and at times, changed the face of social work as we know it.

Is Elon Musk the Real Life Tony Stark?

Can a Marvel superhero have a real-life counterpart? What do Tony Stark and Elon Musk have in common? This fun infographic by VCARS compares the two entrepreneurs.