Offbeat Infographics
Stealing The Spotlight – Most Bizarre Celebrity Home Break-ins
Have you ever wonder what Steve Jobs’ drivers license and Paris Hilton’s underwear have in common? Look no further! Security Choice presents “Stealing The Spotlight – Most Bizarre Celebrity Home Break-ins” where they have gone through the news and picked five interesting stories about celebrities who had to deal with intruders in the past five years.
Famous People Who Served In The Armed Forces
Many writers, actors and singers have proudly served their countries, both in war and in times of peace. While Elvis Presley might be the best known G.I. there are others whose names might surprise you. Check out this infographic and read about other forces favorites.
Smartphone Disasters
The soon to be released Sony Xperia Z will be one of the most durable Smartphones in the world and will be fully water-resistant and have a super tough design. To coincide with the release, Phones 4u have looked at the weird and wonderful ways people have damaged their phones. Here are some of the handset horror stories compiled in an interesting Infographic.
The Dangers of Crack Cocaine
Crack cocaine is an extremely addictive narcotic that has widespread use in the United States not only due to its addictive qualities but its relative cheapness. Using this drug results in a strong high, with an equally strong low afterwards. These severe ups and downs increase the risk of heart attack and stroke due to high blood pressure. The following infographic will help one learn more about the characteristics and risks of this drug.
Earth’s Most Invasive Invaders
We all love b-movies; the horror, the stop-motion animation, the camp… Despite the dark subject matter, in its own way, it’s a warm, fuzzy world where all the bad-guys are bad and the good guys are wholesome, whiter-than-white, ‘Christopher Reeve’s, rather than gritty, conflicted ‘Christian Bale’s. Well, WE all love b-movies, and if YOU don’t, then you’re not one of us, and you will soon be assimilated.
The Real Cost of Checking Your Golf Bag
You might be surprised about the current cost associated with shipping your golf clubs. All of the people you have to tip to carry your bags, all of the times you have to carry your bags yourself, and the costs of shipping your bags from one course to another. This is an infographic that was created to provide you with a baseline of how much money you could be losing by shipping your golf bags through a common carrier .
Keyboard Shortcuts
The term “life hack” refers to all skills, shortcuts and novelty methods employed to increase levels of productivity. One of the most basic and easy-to-master life hacks is learning your most useful keyboard shortcuts. You can do more than you might have guessed with just your keyboard! Using the mouse less often can reduce painful strain on joints, muscles and nerves. Take a look at some time-saving keyboard facts and shortcuts from MashGeek.
Friends of the IDF
Since 1981 Friends of the IDF (FIDF) have been looking after Israeli soldiers and supporting their recreational, educational and social needs. Check out this infographic to learn more about what they do for the IDF.
30 Insane Facts About Ghanaian Gold
Whilst Ghana’s economy is enjoying a boom due to the modern day gold rush, the mining industry has had a significant impact on the environment. Local workers, known as galamseys, use mercury during ore processing. This pollutes the land and water and results in serious illness for the workers. Learn this and other insane facts about Ghanaian gold in the following infographic by 911 Metalurgist.
The Cost of Living on Mars
From My Favorite Martian to John Carpenter’s Ghost of Mars, the red planet has had a huge impact on the film and television industry. The possibility we could defeat aliens by playing Slim Whitman songs or poisoning them with water is pure science fiction. But the idea we may one day live on Mars could become science fact within a few decades. In this infographic look at what it might cost to live on the red planet.
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