Offbeat Infographics

Let’s Go Steal Some Diamonds

Hollywood movies have added glamour and excitement to diamond heists, as well as provide viewers a cinematic experience on how they are executed without a hitch. This Brilliance infographic featuring some of the most famous ones shows the many “facets” that make up a high-profile diamond theft. It also describes the different profiles of those who work to make the heist a success: the hacker, the grafter, the mastermind, the thief, and the muscle guy.

Timeline of Neon Signage

Neon is a rare gaseous element present in the atmosphere to the extent of 1 part in 65000 of air. It is obtained by liquefaction of air and separated from the other gases by fractional distillation, and is one of three residual rare inert elements (along with krypton and xenon) remaining in dry air after nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide are removed.

How Safe Is Your Trampoline?

Did you know the likelihood of a severe head injury is higher on a traditional trampoline than in a car crash? Each year over 105,000 kids are sent to hospital because of traditional trampolines – and that’s just in the USA. Learn more about the risk of head injuries caused by traditional trampolines and why Springfree Trampolines are a safe alternative.

Facts About U.S. Veterans

Facts About U.S. Veterans

Let this infographic simply entitled “Facts About U.S. Veterans” and published by Pick Up Please educate you on the sacrifices of veterans’ service, and remind you of what you can do to make a difference.c

Why Does My Diamond Ring Cost So Much?

If you are hoping to impress a loved one with a diamond ring this year why not do the smart thing and buy from a reputable diamond trader? By commissioning a jewelry designer you will not only get a ring made just for you but could also save yourself a considerable amount of money!

Make a Change: The New Year’s Game Show

Have you set goals for 2013? “Make a Change” is the New Year’s resolution game show, created by The Melaleuca Journal, in which you must check out! Scroll down this incredibly long graphic and learn some interesting statistics about New Year’s resolutions, and fill out the pretend application to get on the show.

Christmas by Numbers

Christmas is just ahead of us and most Americans are close to finishing their shopping. Did you know that the Americans spend an average of $770 on gifts? That’s more than in European countries such as Holland, Germany, and the UK as well as in South Africa. Also, 88% of Americans put up a Christmas tree every year and 51% of them are strongly religious.

The Seven Perils Of Being Santa

Some may say that only working one day a year is easy, however this may not be the case for poor old Santa Claus this Christmas Eve. With all the rushing around trying to deliver all the presents in time for Christmas morning it seems that Santa Claus may not be taking health and safety into consideration. With all the slippery roofs, open flames and hazardous Christmas tree lights Santa actually has a rather dangerous job. First4Lawyers has created the following infographic to look at the seven perils of being Santa this festive season.

DIY Disaster Survival

DIY Disaster Survival

Disaster has a tendency to strike when we least expect it. A natural (or man made) disaster rarely gives you a warning before turning everything you know and love upside down, leaving you with very little to protect you against its elements. That’s why it pays to take a page out of the Macgyver manual of survival and learn these handy tricks that will help you make the best out of the even the worst of situations.

Supersonic Santa vs Free-Falling Felix

Stories of Santa Claus have kept children at bay and in check for centuries, watching their behavior so Santa will be kind to them each Christmas. But Christmas Trees and asked, “how does he work his magic on Christmas Eve and keep all the good children happy? Did you ever wonder how Santa does it?”