Offbeat Infographics
Unexpected Odds and Disproportionate Fears
The odds of dying from a lightning strike are one in 134,906. Are you afraid of dying from strange types of injuries or accidents? You’re more likely to die of disease. takes a look at some “Unexpected Odds and Disproportionate Fears.”
What Color Art Would Strike Their Fancy?
Choosing the right color artwork as a gift can be a challenging task. Follow this infographic published by overstockArt to match the perfect painting to their personality.
Doomsday Survival Kit
Despite NASA’s attempt to debunk the theory, Doomsday believers abound. Opinion polls suggest that one in ten Americans worry about whether they will survive past December 21 this year, and school teachers have reported that many of their students are fearful of a coming apocalypse. Should you want to prepare your own survival kit, has identified a few essential, and non-essential items in case of emergency and the continuation of the next millennia.
America vs. Marijuana: Marijuana Laws
To legalize or not to legalize? This is becoming more and more of a hot topic throughout our nation. Check out the following infographic to learn about where marijuana laws stand across the United States.
Preppers: Waiting For Doomsday
Meet The Preppers: they stock weapons and ammo, build bunkers, get survival training, store food, water and fuel, they don’t mind being the cause of surprise or laughter of others because, when the time comes, they will laugh at us. Learn more in the following infographic from Groger Gutierrez.
Strategies For Sleeping On the Job
Do you constantly feel sluggish from your 40 hour work week? Forget about downing a 5 Hour Energy drink. How about catching up on your Zzz’s using Online Clock’s tips for successfully snoozing at work. However, use these tips at at your own risk.
How Quick Does Father Christmas Need To Be?
The following is a quirky and fascinating look into the surprising statistics surrounding Santa’s annual journey around the globe to delivery all of his presents. Inspired by a great article by ABC News, Parcel2Go went several steps further and discovered several interesting details regarding Santa’s journey.
The Rise in Spice
More than ten years ago, Spice wasn’t popularized. It was made and sold commercially beginning in 2004. Just this year, Obama signed legislation that banned any sort of synthetic drug on the market to be sold or consumed. Although it looks a lot like marijuana, the chemicals that make up Spice are very dangerous and potentially deadly. Today, teenagers are becoming addicted to Spice and are in need of drug treatment.
Movember Stachographic
The Moustache – also known as ’Stach, a Soup Strainer, a Lip Hat, a Snot Mop and a best friend. These fuzzy facial fashions have become all the rage during Movember and Cinema Casino’s “Stachographic” is taking a closer look at the types of Mo’s one can grow.
Spooky Halloween Statistics
There is plenty to fear, especially on Halloween. But what should we really be afraid of? Poisoned candy? Nope. Child abduction? Not likely. Diabetes and lead-based paints? Apparently so. What things are you worried about this Halloween? Take a look at the spooky stats we’ve rounded up in this Halloween infographic.
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