Offbeat Infographics
The Monetary Value of a Human Life
This infographic describes the various amounts that governments and companies are willing to spend in order to save a life, take a life, and to compensate for the loss of life. For example, did you know by the time a single inmate on death row in California is finally executed, $308 million would have been spent? These and other interesting facts below.
The Cost of Being Iron Man
Iron Man, like Batman, doesn’t actually possess super human powers, but instead uses his wealth to fund the state of the art gadgets, vehicles and weaponry which he uses to fight crime. The following infographic from MoneySupermarket takes a look at just how much fortune one would need to have to be Iron Man.
Zombie Attack! What You Need to Know
The zombie apocalypse has arrived, and now we need some folks to come along with their mighty boom-sticks and clear up all this mess. That’s where you come in. Below the infographic by offers a whole new range of zombie experience days, ready to train you for the inevitable zombie onslaught.
Doomsday Economy: The End Is Near!
In a time of apocalyptic predictions, where many believe that a major catastrophic event can happen any second, the demand for certain products has risen to a level that amazes even suppliers and manufacturers themselves. Shelter builders, survival kit makers, gun manufacturers, power generator suppliers and even movie producers, are some of the main business sectors that are making the most out of the current “doomsday economy”.
5 Public Health Nightmares Facing Humanity
With 2012’s end of times deadline quickly approaching and people coming up with all sorts of crazy ideas for how the world or civilization will end, MPH Online thought this would be a good time to look at the more plausible scenarios facing mankind. Because really, who needs the Mayans when the world has so many other ways to kill us off?
What Is THAT In Your Suitcase?
Another look at some of the strangest things found by customs in traveler’s luggage. This a light-hearted infographic that details some the strangest and most random items found and confiscated at customs.
Facts About Diamonds
Diamonds have long been valued by people. We value them for many reasons including as a commodity, as a sign of love and also as a status symbol. The infographic below has many useful gems if information that will perhaps explain why we put so much value on these trinkets.
Beginners Guide To Prepping For Doomsday
From zombies to financial fallout, doomsday can come in many forms. With the recent surge in popularity of doomsday prepping TV shows, and websites, it is important to be ready when the time comes. This infographic from provides some basic guidelines to go by when the time comes to bug out. From fire arms to food storage, don’t be the one who isn’t ready!
Media Consolidation: The Illusion of Choice
Media has never been more consolidated than it is today. In fact, just 6 media giants now control a staggering 90% of what we watch, read or listen to. In this infographic, learn who these companies are and discover just how much power they hold.
What if Game of Thrones Took Place in NYC?
Well it finally happened, Game of Thrones fever has struck the RentShare team hard, and like any great plague it has killed a lot of time and damaged productivity. Some of us have even passed into more advanced stages of the illness, insisting on reading the books as well! Below is the tragic byproduct of our uncontrollable Game of Thrones procrastinations.
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