Offbeat Infographics

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly

Engaging online writing is informal, conversational, and fun, but certain goofy mistakes just make you look silly… and not in a good way.This infographic published at Copyblogger and designed by BlueGlass looks at 15 of the most egregious grammar goofs.

Geek vs Hipster

Geeks and hipsters – mortal enemies locked in an eternal struggle over irony versus earnestness. But just how different are these two personas? This infographic from Geeks are Sexy explores the issue.

Leap Year: The Facts, Figures and Far-Out Families

2012 is a Leap Year meaning that we have one extra day in February to do whatever we want! But did you ever wonder why Leap Day falls in February? This infographic covers some of the weird and wacky things that have occurred on Leap Day. Learn how to mix up the famous Leap Day cocktail (must be 5 ¼ Leap Years old to enjoy), the history behind the holiday and the chances of being a leapling!

Have You Ever…

Have you ever ridden a Segway? Have you ever posed nude for a public art display? How about have you ever saved a life? These and other interesting questions posed to some 80 million Hunch users in the infographic simply titled “Have You Ever…”

The World’s Most Famous Funerals

North Korea has recently bid farewell to the Beloved Leader Kim Jong Il in a ceremony that was attended by over two million people in Pyongyang. This infographic from looks at how it measures up to some of the more fondly remembered figures of the past century.

Hand Jive: American Hand Gestures That Could Cause Trouble Abroad

It’s pretty common knowledge that “flipping some a bird” is meant as an insult to the recipient. What is not well know is that several innocent hand gestures here in the United States will not be well received in other parts of the world. This infographic designed by Pimsleur Approach contains 7 of the most offensive (and dangerous) ones.

How To Spot A Douchebag

Let’s face it – there are guys whose very appearance can compel you to turn your head in disgust, mutter the word “douchebag” in a l0ng whisper. They might be flexing in their skin-tight t-shirt, invading women’s personal space at a bar, self-promoting, etc. This humorous infographic from Online Dating University looks at some of the tell-tale signs that one might be a douchebag.

10 Irish Inventions That Changed The World

When you think of things that originated from Ireland, one might naturally think of Guinness beer. Or possibly the rock band U2 comes to mind. But did you know that Ireland is responsible for many other important inventions that have had major impact on our world? This infographic highlights ten of them.

A Day In the Life of a Prisoner

How is life behind bars? There are lots of activities inmates can do in a day. This infographic from Criminal Justice Degree takes a peek at life behind bars including some interesting statistics on the prison population in America.