Offbeat Infographics
How To Spot a Yelp User
Yelp users certainly have a unique way of seeing and interacting with the world. You can easily recognize one by their penchant for food photography and need to review everything from parking lots to laundromats.This infographic takes a humorous look at the average Yelp user.
Breaking Etiquette: Are We Bad Gifters?
How many of you are guilty of re-gifting? If it wasn’t for my wife, I’d re-gift frequently. This Infographic from CouponCabin reveals survey results that show just how uncomfortable gifting can be.
Alternative Holidays: Festivus For the Rest of Us
I love this! Seinfeld is one of the all time great comedy sit-coms to ever grace a television set. This Infographic provides details on the alternative holiday – Festivus, brought to popularity in the December 18, 1997 Seinfeld episode, “The Strike”. How many of you prefer Festivus to the traditional commercialized Christmas so many celebrate today?
What Is Santa’s Carbon Footprint?
With Christmas quickly approaching, Santa is busy getting everything set for his worldwide tour. The stockings he has to fill can leave a large carbon footprint behind. This Infographic looks at Santa’s environmental impact, and looks to help him run a slightly more eco-friendly operation.
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