Pets & Animals Infographics
Fun Facts About Man’s Best Friend
Are you crazy for canines? Can’t get enough cuddles from your pooch? Is “Must Love Dogs” your go-to DVD rentals on Saturday night? You’re not alone if you’re more than mildly-gaga for your pup. In fact, it appears America is land of the free, home of the brave…and apparent lover of man’s best friend! The following infographic provides some fun facts about those lovable canines.
The Internet’s Most Popular Pets
As the internet has become more popular and more accessible for the majority of the population, more and more people have been using it as a way to document the unique characteristics and personalities of their pets. The following infographic highlights some of the Internet’s most popular pets in recent history.
The Most Exotic Birds
It’s easy to see why so many people love birds. They come in so many different sizes, shapes, and colors and they make wonderful pets. The greatest thing about birds is that each one is unique and special in its own way. Some are brilliantly colored; others are celebrated for their beautiful songs. Birds can be carefree and fun loving or they can be powerful and majestic. decided to celebrate the diversity of birds by creating this fun chart on a few of the more exotic birds of the world.
11 Creative DIY Dog Costumes For Halloween
A martini glass, a taco, and even a Batdog! presents 11 fun DIY Halloween costumes perfect to fit any dogs personality, and very easy to create. With any of these costume ideas, your canine is guaranteed to be the life of the party and the talk of the town this Halloween.
Fun Facts About Cats
Humanity’s relationship with cats goes back thousands of years. But why have we cultivated a link with these seemingly aloof and independent animals? Because they are awesome, that’s why! Covered Mag takes a closer look at the bond between humans and cats in this infographic, which will hopefully shed some light on the matter.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Hibernation
Did you know that some bears can sleep during five to seven months during one year? Their hearts beat slowly and they only wake up for short periods of time. But they are not the only animals to do this. The following infographic looks at everything you ever wanted to know about hibernation.
ABC’s of Dinosaurs
This infographic contains some cool facts about 26 types of dinosaurs, all alphabetically arranged from A to Z. Discover where these creatures lived, when they were alive and about features like their height, length and weight.
Everything You Need To Know About Dog Skin Problems
Dog skin problems are very common. This infographic from will help you understand what might be the problem with you dog, and more specifically what the problem is with their skin.
10 Dog Biting Statistics That Will Shock You
For some dogs, no amount of training will convince them not to attack when they feel threatened. Here are some statistics on dog biting that will shock you!
Rottweilers 101
Here is an infographic that provides everything you ever wanted to know about the Rottweiler canine breed, which highlights Rottweiler breed facts and trivia.
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