Political Infographics
Abolishing the DHS
Since 9/11 there have been major efforts to advance domestic US protection that have been very costly to the American people. This infographic looks at this issue and includes a plea to abolish the costly DHS.
How Will the ACA (Obamacare) Affect Senior Citizens?
This infographic by assistedlivingfacilities.org compares both political viewpoints on 5 key points of the impact of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, on senior citizens.
How Important Is Each Federal Agency?
The recent 2013 US government shutdown sheds light on what agencies we really find important. In this infographic you can see which agencies were working, partially working or were furloughed during the shutdown.
Expand Social Security
Retirement and social security can bring confusion to anyone. Add in the new social security budget proposed by President Obama, and it can send you running for cover. Here is an infographic detailing how this new budget affects seniors, and how lawmakers and citizens are uniting to change it.
Food Stamp and SNAP Facts – Politicians are Lying
Politicians are lying to you. Food stamps are not evil. They nourish the nation. Hunger exists in American. Although it may be hard to imagine, given that we live in such a prosperous nation, there are many Americans who are suffering from hunger. According to Feeding America, one in six Americans do not have adequate access to food. This statistic includes 17 million children.
Obamacare Simplified for Children
This infographic breaks down the 903 pages of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, in a simple way so even a child can understand.
Does the NSA Think You are a Terrorist?
When the NSA sorts through American communications to find terrorists, what is their accuracy in identifying one? Check out the infographic below presented to learn more.
Internet Privacy Killing Bills
HostGator will always support a free and open Internet. As such, they oppose all legislation that isn’t properly written to avoid removing any existing rights or liberties that need not be removed from the general populace in an effort to limit the abilities of those with nefarious intent. In other words, they want laws that punish the bad guys without also punishing the good guys. This can be accomplished via the passing of intelligent legislation.
The All-Powerful Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve is the largest player in the world’s largest economy. It’s a behemoth more powerful than Congress that affects us all. And it’s on a runaway train – they could issue money to bail out banks without anyone realizing it. Read more on the dangers of an all-powerful federal reserve from this infographic.
How Rich is Congress?
Congressional wealth is reported annually, and even though they have access to the same investments as the American public, they are far wealthier. How does the wealth of House and Senate representatives compare to their constituents’ wealth?
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