Shopping Infographics

How Many Europeans Are Interested in Same-Day Delivery?

How Many Europeans Are Interested in Same-Day Delivery?

Same-delivery is simply receiving your items the same you purchased them online. Although this service can be very interesting, it will definitely cost more. A recent survey that was carried out in 5 European countries including Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Spain, shows how many people that are willing to pay more for this service.

The New and Better Way to Find the Perfect Size Bike for a Child

The New and Better Way to Find the Perfect Size Bike for a Child

Wheel size is the way that bike manufacturers classify their kid bike sizes, but it’s not the only factor. It’s not even the most important factor! Wheel size gives you a very general idea of the size of a bike, but bike frame size and seat height range can vary drastically from one bike to another within the same wheel size. In this infographic, see a new and better way to find the perfect size bike for a child.

How-to Earn Money While Shopping

How-to Earn Money While Shopping

When you shop, you spend money. However, there are numerous ways to also make money while you shop. For example, using a cashback credit card will earn you money by simply using it to pay for purchases. In the following infographic by Dollar Dig, discover ways to earn money while shopping.

A Guide to Understanding the Digital Marketplace

A Guide to Understanding the Digital Marketplace

Digital marketplaces are online platforms designed to sell an array of products and they can offer a broad range of items or specialize in a type of product. They are are convenient for consumers and benefit businesses because resources can be devoted to other areas instead of solely e-commerce, which can be very successful. When marketing products in a digital marketplace, it is important to take quality photos, invest in customer service, have clear policies, and utilize social media for marketing.

Using IoT to Boost Customer Engagement in Retail

Using IoT to Boost Customer Engagement in Retail

IoT-based smart retail solutions offer unprecedented opportunities for brick-and-mortar businesses looking to enhance inventory management, identify patterns in sales data and improve merchandising performance. That being said, 70% of retail decision makers invest in the Internet of Things software development with the aim to engage channel-hopping customers.

The State of e-Commerce Infrastructure

The State of e-Commerce Infrastructure

The team at Webscale conducted a survey of 350+ e-commerce professionals regarding how their online storefront and site infrastructure performed during the holiday shopping season last year. Check the following they have put together infographic to learn more.

Comparing Razor Costs

Comparing Razor Costs

This infographic compares the operating costs of a cartridge razor, safety razor, disposable razor, and a straight razor for a period of 70 years. Learn the cost differences between these different shavers and how much they may spend over the long haul if they continue using a cartridge and disposable razors.

Top 10 Fascinating Stats About Online Shopping

Top 10 Fascinating Stats About Online Shopping

E-commerce is assumed to be one of the largest retail channels in the world that have suddenly risen in the last three years. People are now spending more time shopping online. Even E-commerce statistics say that people are now spending more money each time they shop online. CollectOffers conducted a survey with consumers worldwide and compiled the results into the following infographic.