Technology Infographics
8 Best Fitness Trackers
Have you been looking for a recommendation for the best fitness tracker? Here is an infographic from the folks at HotDeals that looks at the 8 top fitness trackers currently on the market.
The 10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time
Computer viruses and IT security breaches often make the news, and with good reason. Viruses tend to spread like wildfire and can infect hundreds of thousands of machines within a very short space of time. 5u IT Consultancy have created an infographic which runs through some of the worst offending viruses of the last ten years.
Most Common Barcode Label Problems
They are all around us, yet we rarely notice them. They can be seen on your face cream, your juice, razor and even bagel. You see them almost every day. Yet, you probably don’t even notice them. Yes, barcode labels are ubiquitous. We rarely pay attention to their importance, but barcode sure is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
What Camera Do You Need for Your YouTube Channel?
This infographic by VloggerPro will help aspirant YouTubers choose the right camera for their channel. You will learn if you’ll need a DSLR, Compact, Mirrorless, Webcam, Action cam or Camcorder.
The Benefits Of Automated Software Testing
All too often, when an application is released to market, it still has flaws. Test engineers often try their best to identify the bugs manually before the release of the product, but somehow, bugs creep in and even reappear after rigorous manual testing. To maximize efficiency and limit such problems, employing automation testing can be a great solution.
Sneak Peek Into the Future of Smartphones
The percentage of mobile phone users is increasing every day helping a number of trends to thrive successfully. The widespread of mobile phones has thus given an entire landscape for other trends to grow successfully. Smartphones have helped a number of such trends to grow prominently. Appdexa takes a sneak peek into the future smartphones in the upcoming days.
Mobile Apps Facts And Figures
With every new trend occurring in the mobile app industry, there comes a revolutionary change in the figures. And, to let the users offer a glimpse of this changing industry, the team at Appdexa, presents an infographic for the same.
10 Apps for Architects That Fit The Build
This infographic courtesy of Half Price features and provides details on some great apps for architects to help them with a wide range of calculations, sketches, and to ensure they stay organized on site.
Is Your Apartment in the Best or Worst Cell Coverage
Cell service is an important consideration when moving to a new city. We knew this back in 2014, when we first looked at how cell coverage in the U.S. affects apartment life. But in the past three years, so much has changed because of technology and infrastructure development. The updated data continues to show that not all locations are equal when it comes to data speeds and signal range.
Benefits of Open Source Software
If you are looking to start at web project you are probably going to be using a Content Management System(CMS). If, Open Source is your preference you have a lot options. The list contains names like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Magento, and concrete5 to name just a few. Choosing which platform to adopt can be a daunting task. Check out the following infographic to learn more about open source software and why it’s powering some of the most popular content management systems to date.
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