Technology Infographics
Biometrics in Movies
Facial recognition used to just be for science fiction. Eye sensors and voice scanners used to only be something we’d see in the movies. But these biology-based security systems from science fiction are no longer just futuristic dreams. They are now the reality of maintaining security. Here is a comprehensive list of all the biometrics used in science fiction movies.
Top Trends in Wireless Technology and Communication 2017
Did you ever wonder how your TV works? Or, how high-end gadgets like Wi-Fi printers, Wi-Fi routers, Xbox 720 and NAS hard drives work? Well, these all are based on wireless tech. Wireless technology and communication has occupied our lives so fittingly that we don’t even realize that we are using its applications one after the other. Check out the following infographic to discover all the details.
Top Cyber Security Threats of 2017 and How To Avoid Them
We are going to see different types of cyber-crime and cyber security in the year 2017. This infographic is about some of the top cyber security threats of 2017, how they spread and what you can do to protect yourself from these cyber criminal and hackers.
The Many Wild Ways of Renewable Power
Over 111.9 million people watched Super Bowl 50 last year. That’s a lot of televisions being powered during the big game and an even larger amount of electricity used in a single day. To help raise awareness about energy consumption habits, KDM Engineering created an infographic to explore the different ways a 60-inch TV could be powered for the duration of the super bowl using renewable energy.
File Collaboration: Linking iPhones to Desktops
Reliable file synchronization software enables us to transfer data from our mobile to desktop and other devices without compatibility issues during cross-platform operations. We need to use steadfast file collaboration tools that provide cloud solutions without...
What Do Internet Users Hide By VPNs?
Check out the following infographic about VPN software. From it you will learn about some of the most popular ways people use Virtual Private Networks. You will also be introduced to leading VPN countries as well as some major security risks that occur around mobile apps and Wi-Fi.
Modern Living In Rural Areas
Living in a rural location has its perks. It’s peaceful, it’s quiet, and you’re out the way of all that city center pollution. Bliss. However, when it comes to keeping up with technology, it can become a bit of a nightmare. In this piece, Fuel Fighter delves into the struggles that people living in rural communities are facing.
50 Apps to Track Everything
Our mobile phones are powerful – crazy powerful. We’re approaching a point now where our Android or iPhone is essential to our everyday lives, and attached to us almost every minute of every day. With that in mind, here is an infographic that features 50 apps for tracking just about anything.
Best Programming Languages for App Development
There are a number of programming languages available today. All have their own place, but the main task in app development is to choose one that is the most suitable for your needs. Nine Hertz has developed the following infographic that will help viewers to know more about the top programming languages and help them in their choice of the best appropriate language for their app development.
JavaScript Is Everywhere
JavaScript is considered one of the most popular programming languages nowadays. Join the team at Jscrambler as they delve into the importance of JavaScript, which vulnerabilities are most common when we’re talking about client-side and learn how to tackle them through our top security recommendations.
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