Technology Infographics

Which Fitness Tracker Is Right For You?

In recent years, the wearable technology industry has exploded, with fitness-centric wearables leading the way. Fitbits, Jawbones and other fitness trackers are now a common accessory, and the technology is only getting smarter with some trackers able to monitor sleep patterns, calories burned, and heart rate.

Bioinformatics: How Computer Science is Changing Biology

Bioinformatics is the careful application of computers and statistics to the field of biology. It includes things such as machine learning and computing at high rate of performance in order to help solve biological problems. Currently, computational biology has been able to make great strides in the medical industry, helping to map and analyze necessary DNA and protein sequences, build detailed models for artificial organs, and even validate and design pharmaceutical drugs.

The History Of Apps

Here is an infographic approach to learn the history of apps. It all starts with year 1983 since the inception of mobile applications and devices and represents developments till mid of year 2015.

Around the World by Mobile Phone Browser

Which mobile phone web browser is the most popular in India? Britain? Denmark? China? Where is the Blackberry Browser the most popular? Where does Apple’s Safari account for less than 6% of mobile web traffic? You might be surprised by some of the statistics in this colorful infographic.

Wearable Technology: The Next Big Thing?

This infographic describes how wearable technology is the next big thing and how it can expand vastly in the coming years. The insurance industry is working on adopting this technology in the near future.

Managing a Mobile Threat

Managing a Mobile Threat

This infographic from Neon SMS explores the mobile threats that exist for businesses, and provides some helpful information on how to draft and effective mobile security policy.

17 Ways Technology Could Be Used To Take Over The World

The world has never been more connected, prosperous and healthy. Due in no small part to the development and spread of wondrous technologies around the world. But what if you chose to take over the world instead of helping it? Which technologies would be best to use in your arsenal? This infographic digs into the most powerful technologies, from the funny to the scary.

Tomorrow’s Intelligent On-Demand City

We live in an on-demand world defined by smart mobile devices, big data and the sharing economy, but today’s on-demand world is still supply-driven – constrained by the availability of resources and the intelligence of our decision making. But what if those constraints disappeared? BoldIQ sets its vision for how dynamic operational optimization software can make “Tomorrow’s Intelligent On-Demand City” possible today.

The Ultimate Guide To Barcode Scanners

From simple 1D scanners to barcode scanners that connect directly to a smartphone, this guide from System ID Barcode Scanners will help you to better understand which barcode scanner is the right one for the job at hand.