Technology Infographics
Android vs.iPhone Comparison
In this infographic, TechieSense has put together an Android vs iPhone comparison of the two major and most popular cell phone operating systems. Which one do you like and use? Typically there are very strong opinions on Android vs. iPhone amongst their users.
7 Wearable Technology Roles That Will Change The World
There are a lot of technology innovations that have power to completely change the world. We need to find a way to use it for improving our lives. Check out this interesting infographic from Adecco to find out how wearable technology jobs will make the difference.
Best of Bond: 007’s Greatest Gadgets Through the Ages
In anticipation for the release of Bond’s next adventure, SPECTRE, Global Watch Shop have assembled their definitive list of 007’s best gadgets, cars and watches from the past half-decade. From the Rolex Submariner that started it all, to the iconic Aston Martin DB5, they’re all here – and give Bond the edge to leave his enemies shaken and stirred.
Data Isn’t Boring!
Data is typically stereotyped to be a graph, ratio, or excel spreadsheet full of facts and figures that are meant to put you to sleep. But what about the idea that data actually isn't boring? That bar graphs, maps, and scatter plots could actually be really cool? This...
How Much is Your Phone Worth?
Have you ever wondered how much your cell phone is worth? Gumtree South Africa has developed a helpful tool that can answer all your future questions! The phone price checker helps determine how fast your phone will sell based on how much you’re selling it for, whether it will be a fast or slow sale.
How To Keep Your Kids Safe On A Smartphone
Due to the development of technology these days even the toddlers know how to use smartphones and tablets. But that doesn’t make them automatically safe while they are online. In this infographic, you will get excellent advices that will help you keep them safe on a smartphone.
Biometric Sensors & Biosensors Bring Big Change
Markets are undergoing rapid change in the wake of new sensor technologies. Biometric sensors and biosensors have the opportunity to drastically alter the world we live in with important applications in healthcare, military, Internet of Things and smart cities.
The Definitive Guide To Data Breaches
Data breaches are a real problem, and they happen without being discovered for months. Learn all about data breaches from this infographic put together by bitglass.
What Is Dark Fiber? Winning the Battle of the Bandwidth
The latest technology to be developed for communication data over long distances is fiber optic cables. These highly advanced cables use beams of light to transfer information as quickly as possible. However, there has been a new development in fiber optics recently. Lit fiber has been the standard for many years, but dark fiber is replacing it.
The Clouds of Change
This infographic looks at how key players in technology are investing in cloud services and how these strategic plays will shape future innovation in cloud computing and cloud-based industries like: healthcare, the Internet of Things, security and more.
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