Technology Infographics
BLDC Motors vs. Brush DC Motors: Understanding the Differences
Needing a motor for an intricate application? Learn more about the differences between BLDC motors and Brush DC motors. This infographic outlines key differences as well as provides a glossary of terms and an essential parts breakdown.
The Secret Influence of Algorithms
Most probably pay little attention to them, but algorithms are impacting our world like never before. Whether they’re keeping us healthy, predicting the next natural disaster, or even just suggesting that perfect Netflix movie, algorithms are able to harness the power of big data to generate remarkably precise predictions. Discover how algorithms are influencing our lives in this infographic
The Toughest Tech Devices on the Planet
Perhaps you have never thought about the toughest technological devices on the planet. It is understandable if you haven’t. After all, most of us will never have to ensure that our laptop can withstand temperatures of -60 degrees or work efficiently even after enduring a 6 foot fall. However, other people in society, like military personnel, engineers and construction workers, have different requirements.
Smartwatches Market
Here is a smartwatches market data infographic that provides information and details on the top selling brands and applications.
How Barcoding Has Changed the World
Barcodes have changed the world and can be found on almost any product or package produced today. The simple collection of lines printed on a piece of paper is considered by many as one of the most important inventions of the 20th Century and yet is taken for granted and ignored.
The Life of a Front End Developer
One of the most dynamic roles in the world of web today is that of the front-end developer. Always keeping up with design and code trends, it is the front-end specialist who keeps a website’s experience on the cutting edge. To understand the role of a web developer, it’s important to understand the overall process and players involved in a website’s development.
Home Sweet (Printed) Home
3-D printing is one of the most interesting subjects of our day. From printing prosthetic limbs to printing firearms and jewelry, it seems that the possibilities are endless. One of the newest paths 3-D printing has explored is building housing. V Home Insurance has created an infographic entitled “Home Sweet (Printed) Home” explaining how 3D printed homes may find their way to your neighborhood.
How and Where the iPhone Is Made
Are the last chapters of the iPhone saga unfolding? “Not by any stretch of imagination,” if you ask the Apple faithful or “Definitely starting,” if you ask the Android challengers. In this infographic, Finances Online traces the iPhone supply and manufacturing chain. They provide snippets of information on just who is making the parts that go into the two new iPhones, and where, exactly, these parts are made.
Space Internet
The idea of space internet is nothing new. Check out the following infographic by to get a deeper look at global internet via satellite.
The Mobile Continuum
Whether it’s working, presenting, computing, or communicating, mobile technologies are making sales teams sleeker and meeting customer needs in dynamic new ways. In the following infographic, discover a few different types of technologies that more and more B2B companies have been adopting lately.
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