Technology Infographics
The Ultimate LED Flashlight Terminology Guide
In this day and age, the development of LED flashlights flooded the market with many torches that vary drastically in quality and performance. With all of these options, it is a challenging task to figure out which flashlight would be best for you, especially since the terminology used to describe the parts and performance can be difficult to comprehend.
Power Play: Radio-Controlled Models and the BLDC Motor
Gas-powered radio controlled vehicles have long been the norm among hobbyists, but advances in brushless DC motors have brought about a boon in the desire for electric-powered models. This Infographic explores brushless DC motor efficiencies, offers an intriguing timeline of RC vehicles and their uses, and looks at state of the model hobby industry.
Cloud Web and Email Security
This infographic from Symantec discusses web and email security and the options available. You can choose between an on premises solutions or a cloud solution. It discusses how cloud-based security works, the merits and flexibility and cost of ownership as well as some cautions.
The State of Mobile Apps
Mobile phones and smart devices have changed our way of living in the last decade. We no more use phone for making calls rather gaming, social networking and e-commerce has become our main focus. Here is an infographic which shows how mobile apps industry has grown over the years and how is it effecting the every aspect of our lives including economy, jobs and entertainment arena.
50 Years of Visionary Sci-Fi Computer Interface Design
Science fiction imagines the future. This infographic from Glow New Media brings together 50 years of SciFi in movies and shows us how our imagination leads us into the future of computer interface design.
Files and Tribulations: The Importance of Managed File Transfer
Learn more about why senior IT managers rank managed file transfer as very important for improvements with trading partners in this infographic by Data In Motion.
How Mobile Has Changed the Way We Capture Moments
The types of moments we capture on camera have shifted dramatically with the increase in mobile technology and social media platforms.
In fact, there are a lot of things seldom photographed before the rise of camera phones. This infographic looks at how mobile has changed the way we capture moments.
Smartphones and Society
Pretty much everything in our world is mobile, or will be in the future. Mobility has changed our lives forever. Check out the infographic below to learn about how smartphones affect society.
The Best Android Phones for 2013
Everyone is always looking for the best smartphone, but how do you choose between all the different options? Check out the infographic below presented by Startapp to see the best Android phones for 2013.
Cloud Computing and On-Demand Infrastructure
Cloud computing has been around longer than you might think. Check out the infographic below presented by ProfitBricks to see how much cloud computing has progressed and how it’s here to stay.
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