Technology Infographics
Social Networking Bill of Rights
As our lives become increasingly digital, many of us share more and more on social media sites. Consequentially, employers and colleagues have started to request access to our personal profiles as a way to learn more about us. Should the same standard of privacy we’ve come to expect offline apply online as well?
The Next Big Thing in Technology
What do we have to look forward to in the technology world? Major improvements to tablets, computers, TVs, and gadgets are set to shake up the way we use tech. Some products are guaranteed and announced while others could be considered “realistic rumors.”
The Legalities of Cloud Software
Businesses are beginning to leverage cloud software as a powerful and affordable tools for data management. This new interface is cheap, effective and efficient for small and large businesses. As cloud software adoption rates begin to rise, so do the number of skeptics. Since your information is stored virtually anywhere in the world by third party vendors, it is uncertain who owns copyright or intellectual property within the cloud.
The High Stakes World of Mobile Payments
Mobile payments are huge, and they’re only getting more popular as time goes on. This new infographic from MobilePaymentsToday takes a look at the different companies jumping into the mobile payments game, as well as the current and projected growth of the mobile payment and credit card industries.
Everything You Need To Know About GPS Tracking
Sure most of us are familiar with GPS on our mobile devices for check-in purposes, mapping and the like. But what about the tracking of persons and equipment such as autos? This infographic illustrates the benefits of GPS Tracking, its’ history, and current statistics associated with vehicle & asset theft.
Industry Statistics QR Codes
QR Codes, otherwise known as “quick response codes” are part of a whole new way of connecting with consumers via their smart phones and mobile devices. The following infographic, published by Wasp Barcode, provides a brief history of how bar codes and QR codes came into existence as well as some statistics on how they are being used today.
Streamlining Your Digital Life With the New iPad
The digital world is converging on a revolutionary all-in-one device, the powerful, brand new iPad. These are the iconic portable devices that are causing many older devices to become extinct because of Apple’s innovation. This infographic highlights some of those devices that are either now extinct or very soon will be.
Rock of Ages: The Evolution of SxSW
Since 1987, SXSW has morphed into an interactive, film and music conference and festival that brought together 19,364 attendees in 2011. Rocksauce Studios has created the following infographic that dissects the interactive portion of SXSW, and proves why this conference is the new popular techie playground.
The Evolution of Programming
From 1954 to present day, programming languages have evolved to change technology in many ways. This infographic takes a brief look at the evolution of programming and how the languages have changed to create advanced technological devices.
Are Mobile Devices Destroying Your Body?
Mobile technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, what most people fail to consider is the potential harm mobile devices can cause to the body. This infographic looks at some of the common problems associated with heavy use of mobile technology.
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