Technology Infographics

Big Data On Demand

Look all around you – the quantity of information in the world is soaring. Mankind created approximately 150 exabytes (billion gigabytes) of data in 2005. In 2010 they created a whopping 1,200 exabytes. Merely keeping up with this flood, and storing the bits that might be useful, is difficult enough. Analyzing it, to spot patterns and extract useful information, is harder still. It has great potential for good—as long as consumers, companies and governments make the right choices about when to restrict the flow of data, and when to encourage it.

Consumer Electronics Show History

The Consumer Electronics Show is North America’s largest annual trade show of any kind, and next week they will be celebrating their 45th anniversary. In honor of this, the online auction site decided to create an infographic that highlights some of the more memorable products that were launched at CES, as well as a few milestones for the show itself.

Fact vs. Fiction: The Impact of Software Piracy

Illegal piracy accounts for huge profit losses among American corporations. Yes, at times, it certainly would be easier to download a new song, a movie, or even software off the Internet. However, you might think otherwise if you were a recording artist, movie producer or software developer. Every time someone illegally downloads content, industries lose money.

Living in a Mobile World

Smartphone use is growing at a rapid pace, which is providing new opportunities for marketers to connect with target audiences, create user experiences, and ultimately build a base of loyal customers. Used properly, mobile has the power to transform your relationship with customers, and more importantly, their relationship with your brand. By following the guidelines in this infographic and implementing initiatives that strive to offer engagement at every possible avenue, companies can successfully gain traction in the mobile world we now live in.

Interxion Cloud Survey 2011

Cloud is a hot topic for many of today’s business and technology leaders. But for all the hype, how many companies are actually using cloud computing technology, or have definite plans to do so in the near future? Interxion conducted a Europe-wide survey of current and intended cloud usage and attitudes towards cloud computing that explores all these questions and has compiled the results in this infographic.

Android vs. iOS: How Secure Are They?

Android and iOS devices have become increasingly popular over the last few years, but have you ever wondered how secure they are? And is one more secure than the other? This new infographic by Veracode explains just what you can and can’t do with your Android or iOS device, and how secure your information really is.

The Darwinian Evolution of Microsoft Windows

Since its inception, the Microsoft Windows operating system has gone through quite a bit of evolution. The following infographic from Tech King outlines the history and current status of the world’s most popular operating system.

Planet Text: How SMS Messaging is Changing the World

This infographic published by provides statistical data regarding the number of texters around the world including specific examples of how text messages are changing the world through texting with banks, governments and health care systems.

The Smartphone: A Must-Have For Modern Moms

Modern mothers have discovered the power of smart phones to help keep their families connected, organized and safe. This fun Infographic has a look at how modern moms are using today’s smart phones.

A Hero is Born: Flash Memory

The economy is in distress and Consumerville needs a hero. This infographic tells the tale of flash memory as if it were straight from a comic book.