Transportation Infographics

Car Safety Patents That Saved Millions Of Lives

Car Safety Patents That Saved Millions Of Lives

When we hop in our cars, we take for granted the various safety features that help keep us safe when driving, but they haven’t always been there. In fact, at one time, cars were really quite unsafe and dangerous to drive. This infographic takes a look back at the original patents at some of those common safety features in our cars and how they first came about, including seat belts, windscreen wipers, airbags and more.

The 25 Most Dangerous Highways in the United States

The 25 Most Dangerous Highways in the United States

Over 35 thousand people died in automobile accidents in 2015. While this number was slowing dropping as society made more and more safety advancements over the past several decades, the number unexpectedly increased in the last few years and shows no signs of dipping again. This begs the question, ‘Which highways are the most dangerous?”

Things That Go Bump – In the Car

Things That Go Bump – In the Car

Almost one in three motorists have had a parking prang in the last 12 months. Although it seems that men are far less likely to confess to one than women, research conducted by OSV, the UK’s leading independent vehicle supply professionals, has revealed that in the last 12 months a whopping 29% of motorists have had a minor prang while parking.

Truck Accidents in Texas

Truck Accidents in Texas

Because of their weight and size, big trucks can cause accidents that have devastating consequences for everyone involved. In this infographic, courtesy of Attorney Terry Bryant, learn all about some of the common causes of truck accidents and the statistics surrounding them.

New York City Driving Safety

New York City Driving Safety

Did you know that there are over 300,000 accidents in New York state each year involving 530,000 vehicles? Or how about the fact that 170,000 people are injured in collisions and almost 1,200 are killed? These and other New York City driving statistics can be found in the following infographic.

South Carolina Car Crash Statistics

South Carolina Car Crash Statistics

On average, a traffic collision occurs every 4 minutes and a person is killed in a vehicle crash every 9 hours in South Carolina. Learn more sobering facts about car accidents by viewing the following infographic courtesy of Louthian Law Firm. [Click image for full...

The Top 10 Largest Super Yachts

The Top 10 Largest Super Yachts

Super Yachts are the ultimate toys for billionaires all over the world. They are often extravagant and built to house many guests and crew, and include impressive structures such as glass staircases, dining halls and even spaces for live music. In this list of the top 10 largest super yachts, there’s even a submarine and a missile defense system.

Rental Cars vs Uber vs Taxi – What’s the Cheapest?

Rental Cars vs Uber vs Taxi – What’s the Cheapest?

If you’re traveling to a new city for the first time, then it’s always good to know the cheapest, safest and best way to get from the Airport to the City Centre. GO Rentals have analyzed 85 cities around the world from Adelaide to Zurich and everywhere in between to work out whether it’s cheaper to rent a car, get an Uber or jump in a taxi to the City Centre from the Airport.

How Self Driving Cars Impact Traffic Law Enforcement

How Self Driving Cars Impact Traffic Law Enforcement

Self-driving cars are expected to become main stream within the next 5 years. Yet, we still have little idea how it will impact our daily lives, as well as insurance premiums and traffic law enforcement. For example, who will get the ticket in a car accident – the person or the car? This infographic compares self-driving cars to human drivers and explores the impact millions of self-driving cars could have on traffic law enforcement.

How to Clean Newly Tinted Car Windows

How to Clean Newly Tinted Car Windows

When it comes to cleaning your newly-tinted car windows, do you do it the same way as you cleaned your car windows before tinting? If so, then you should stop – because you’re cleaning them wrong. Tinted car windows, especially newly-tinted ones, require more care when it comes to being cleaned, because the tint film is more delicate. Taking extra precautions and care when cleaning them makes sure that they last a long time, still looking good as new.