Transportation Infographics

The Most Dangerous Intersection in Each State

The Most Dangerous Intersection in Each State

Using crowd sourced data from and 9 years of data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Rubens & Kress researched the most dangerous intersection in each state based on automobile and pedestrian accident occurrences in each state and turned it into an infographic that can be seen below.

Traffic Fatalities Since 1900 in the United States

How many people have died from car accidents in the last 100 years? Probably a lot more than you would think. Since 1900, car safety advancements and new traffic safety laws have brought us a long way and have reduced motor vehicle deaths in the United States drastically. Unfortunately, that still left over 35,000 dead in 2015 alone. Over the next few decades, automation technology aims to reduce that number much, much more.

Large Truck Crashes in Pennsylvania

Large Truck Crashes in Pennsylvania

Large truck crashes can be some of the most serious and deadly on our roads. In this infographic from Wapner Newman, learn more about truck accidents in Pennsylvania as well as tips for driving safely around large trucks.

ELD Mandate Facts

ELD Mandate Facts

Canada Cartage has created an infographic all about Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and how the upcoming ELD mandate affects the commercial trucking industry. ELDs replace paper logbook used to record driver compliance with house of service requirements. ELDs have many benefits including cost savings and crash reductions, and will standardize processes to prevent errors.

The Anatomy of a Car Crash in Phoenix, Arizona

The Anatomy of a Car Crash in Phoenix, Arizona

With over 6,553,255 people living in the state of Arizona, there are bound to be several car accidents and fatalities on Arizona roads. The following infographic by Cluff Law Firm covers statistics, causes and other essential information about car accidents specific to the city of Phoenix, Arizona.

Autonomous Vehicles & the Trolley Problem

Autonomous Vehicles & the Trolley Problem

With the imminent arrival of autonomous vehicles to the roads, many people have started worrying about the safety of this new technology, especially when an issue arises to do with choice. In this piece, the folks at Select Car Leasing delve into the issue of the “Trolley Problem” and how AVs will deal with this and whether or not all manufacturers have the same stance.

Cars and Mythology: What’s in a Name?

Cars and Mythology: What’s in a Name?

Sometimes names are chosen because they evoke a particular image or feeling, and other times because the car matches the name in some way. And, sometimes, they’re just chosen because they sound good. The team at AMG Autolease explored some cars named after Gods and mythological figures to see whether there was any alignment in the names.

The Auto Enthusiast’s Guide to Carbon Fiber

The Auto Enthusiast’s Guide to Carbon Fiber

Sports cars require both speed and style to make its mark in the high-end automotive industry. Carbon fiber is a cutting-edge composite material that can help with that goal. It is 10 times stronger and five times lighter than steel making it perfect to integrate with the parts of sports cars. This infographic from Carbon Fiber Gear sheds light on how carbon fiber can be used with today’s luxury vehicles.

Ultimate Guide to Commuting

Ultimate Guide to Commuting

Depending on who you ask, commuting to and from work can be the best or worst part of their day. It might be a way to unwind for some. And others it might be a way for them to express their freedom of speech that was kept bottled up at the office. No matter what end you fall on, is your commute the best it can be? The Ultimate Guide to Commuting by CarMax breaks down commuting by state within the U.S.

Electric Vehicles Are The Future

Electric Vehicles Are The Future

With so much talk about self-driving vehicles on the news, it’s easy to forget about the rise of electric cars. But there’s no stopping their development. Auto Loan Solutions has created an infographic that puts the spotlight on how EVs will change car ownership. The infographic takes a look at the ripple effect these vehicles will have on fuel consumption, technology and more…