Transportation Infographics

10 Car Myths Debunked!

10 Car Myths Debunked!

In the day-to-day endeavors of owning a vehicle, from the purchase, driving to mechanical breakdowns it’s usually important to know your way round through the unexpected challenges. Old-age and trendy myths need clear interpretation so as to foresee and avoid oncoming problems. They say, take care of your car and it will take care of you, this is actually very true especially when your car bails you out of unexpected situations.

What You Drive Matters

What You Drive Matters

It turns out that what you drive says a lot about who you are as a person, and no one knows that better than celebrities. Learn more about what celebrities drive and what it says about them from this infographic from Digital EFX!

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

The Safest Cars of the Last 11 Years

Which car company consistently creates the safest vehicles? This infographic from the team at takes a look at the safest manufacturers by IIHS rating and their safest models. [Click image for full size version]

Electric Cars in the UK

Electric Cars in the UK

Passenger vehicles are currently responsible for approximately 10% of the UK’s carbon emissions which are widely accepted to contribute toward dangerous climate change. The good news is that electric vehicles are becoming mainstream with most major manufacturers now producing or at least developing electric powered cars.

Electric Cars by Range

Electric Cars by Range

From the very beginning of the history of electric cars the biggest problem was the driving range. It was way too short to get customers interested in paying extra. And the ‘green’ argument wasn’t strong enough for that. Now, we are still years away from going to road trips on electric cars. But there are many options that will let you go to and from work for at least for a few days or even a week (or even longer) before you need to charge again (depending on how long your commute is).

The True Cost Of Car Commuting To Work

The True Cost Of Car Commuting To Work

Each extra mile you add to your drive to and from work can cost you thousands of dollars over a thirty year career. What are the true costs of your drive to work when you add up all those hidden expenses? Based on number crunching by Mr. Money Mustache, each mile in your commute costs $795 per year.

Benefits of a Comprehensive Car Insurance

Benefits of a Comprehensive Car Insurance

One of the indispensable- and most important parts of owning a car is comprehensive insurance. While it may sound very intimidating and overwhelming, especially for first-time car owners, having a comprehensive car insurance is one of the great deals that you will find out there. To better understand what comprehensive car insurance is, how it works, and the benefits it can provide to car owners, check out the following infographic.

30 Crazy Facts About Volkswagen

30 Crazy Facts About Volkswagen

Happy Birthday, Volkswagen! As the automaker turns 80 years old, OSV has produced a colorful infographic that includes everything you need to know about this iconic company.

The Many Types of Distracted Driving

The Many Types of Distracted Driving

When people think of distracted driving, they usually think of texting or using a mobile device, but distracted driving is caused by so much more than that. There are three distinct types of distractions: visual, manual, and cognitive. While texting creates a distraction that includes all three types, having a conversation with friends in the car, eating and changing the radio are all dangerous distractions for drivers. Learn the dangers and stats if distracted driving in America as well as tips for staying safe.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Rid of Your Old Car

The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Rid of Your Old Car

Cars—no matter how technologically advanced, have a lifespan. Although it’s life depends on its owners and the level of care they provided for their vehicle, time will come and those engines will retire. This infographic looks at the do’s and don’ts of getting rid of your old car.