Transportation Infographics
Tips for Buying Your First Car
Help make your car buying experience a little easier. Follow the route laid out in the following infographic from Community First Credit Union to learn a few tips to assist you in the purchasing process.
How To Buy a Used Car & Get the Best Bang For Your Buck
Buying a used car can be difficult. It is important to remember that most dealers build about 20% gross margin into the used car’s asking price. Therefore you can use this figure to calculate a fair price. In any negotiation, be ready to walk away. Be flexible in your choice and don’t get too attached to one car.
How Much Money Will Autonomous Cars Ultimately Save?
We live in a world where the real possibility exists that our cars no longer have drivers. This infographic shows how this is possible with autonomous cars and how much money they can ultimately save.
The Real Cost of Owning a Van
This infographic highlights the true costs any business or trades will need to know about running a van. A van is an essential necessity for trade business, in particularly with the builders trade, and this infographic visually explores all the cost comparisons.
A Look Into GMs Failure To Act
General Motors has known about the faulty switches for almost a decade and yet nothing significant has been done to keep the consumers safe. Here is an infographic from The Killino Firm, P.C. that looks into GMs failure to act on know issues with its motor vehicles.
What Are The Chances? Car Accident Statistics
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all forecast the safest times to drive on the road and what situations to look out for? Well, we can use the past to better understand the risks today. The folks at Titan Insurance have looked into 2013 car insurance claims statistics in order to uncover insights on the safety of the roadways. They found some interesting correlations, which you can read below.
Are You a Vanophobe?
Test your vanophobia with this infographic. We see them on the roads, delivering packages and hauling equipment, but do we ever look inside those prevalent vans? The Sussex Sign Company explore the anatomy of Britain’s Great Van Driver.
Who Are The Safest Drivers In Canada?
By taking a driver survey, age, traffic infractions, and traffic convictions into account, Canadian car insurance company identifies the single group in Canada that actually drives the safest. Which group is that? Check out the graphic, the answer might surprise you.
Driving – What’s the Norm Worldwide
Driving is a major part of our day to day lives. We spend time behind the wheel getting to work, going to college or school and generally getting from one place to another. It allows us freedom to move to get to new places. Rules of the road vary worldwide. In some countries they drive on the left hand side and others on the right. There are some historical reasons for this.
Tips To Buy and Sell a New Car
Are you Buying or selling a car? Gumtree has created an online tool that let’s users find out the value of a car and compares prices of the chosen car over several years. They have also created the handy infographic below that provides tips on buying and selling a new car.
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