Transportation Infographics

The Psychology of Driving Distractions

The Psychology of Driving Distractions

People behave weird sometimes while driving. Want to know the hows and the whys? Read the following infographic put together by the folks at CarFinance 24/7 to learn more.

Today’s Cars of the Future

There are some pretty amazing machines out on the road that are operating without gasoline and using innovative technology to avoid the pangs of traffic and collisions. This infographic takes a look at how far automobiles have come, and even gives a small glimpse into what the future might hold.

8 Cars You Won’t Believe Are Street Legal

With continued advances in technology, automobile designers and engineers are able to push the limit on what they are able to create. It now seems that whatever creative idea these designers and engineers have is able to be translated into fully-functional pieces of reality. This infographic contains detailed information about eight of the craziest automobiles ever built that are considered to be “street legal”.

History of British Train Travel

Train travel has come a long way since the 1800’s when it first originated in Salamanca. This infographic depicts exactly how much train travel has changed and where it’s at today. This includes the initial development of the first electrified suburban railway in 1904, to 1948 when British rail was the biggest company in the world with 700,000 employees to the development of the channel tunnel in 1994 and the privatization of British Rail.

The Ultimate Safe Driver

Being a safe driver is very beneficial, it can even lower your car insurance premium. Check out the following infographic to learn more about safe driving and car insurance.

Safer Roads in Ontario

The recently published 2013 edition of AllState Canada’s Safe Driving Study reports on collision claims across the country from 2011-2013 and how they compare to 2009-2011. With Bergeron Clifford wanted to see how the province, as well as the cities of Kingston & Ottawa rank among everywhere else. This is what they found.

The Most Iconic Cars in Hollywood History

From 007’s “Bondmobile” to the Duke’s of Hazzard “General Lee”, Bayswater Car Rentals presents 10 of the most iconic cars in Hollywood history.

High In The Sky

Trade-A-Plane has put together a perfect infographic for all pilots and aircraft aficionados as it provides a closer look at some of the top brands of single engine aircraft for general aviation. It focuses upon four of the most successful aviation companies: Cessna, Beechcraft, Mooney and Piper. Some of the important insights included are when they were founded, where their main factory is located, their number of employees, how many aircraft they have built, what their longest produced model is and much more!

Gassed: Gasoline Consumption

Driving down the road, you’ll notice many hybrid or fuel efficient vehicles.  But even with the move toward more environmentally friendly transportation, the United States still consumes the most oil of any country, followed by China. Here is an infographic entitled “Gassed”, highlighting facts and statistics surrounding the oil industry.

Will Drivers Licenses Be Needed In The Future

Thanks to advances in technology, everyday tasks continue to get easier and easier for society. For many, the idea of self-driving cars seems like a technology that would only be available to the general public in the far distant future. In recent years however, a handful of companies have been making investments to make this seemingly unimaginable innovation possible.