Transportation Infographics

Where Should I Go On My Next Trip?

LaCure Villas has put together this fun guide that is designed to help you choose a destination for your next vacation. Follow the path to discover your interests and the perfect place to travel to.

Proposing a Fifth Mode of Transportation: The Hyperloop

Imagine traveling at speeds up to 800mph in a tube from San Francisco to LA! The trip might actually only take about 35 minutes if Elon Musk’s ideas are put into practice. The Hyperloop would also be cheaper than train, car, bus, or plane! WebpageFX takes a look at this in the following infographic.

Driving Distractions

This infographic highlights the dangers of driving while distracted, including relevant facts and statistics relating to the different distractions that can occur when behind the wheel.

The Evolution of the Electric Supercar

The Evolution of the Electric Supercar

Electric cars – they are cleaner, cheaper (not always true) and safer. What do more do you want?! Take a look at some of the most astonishing electric vehicles in history in this infographic by They are cleaner, cheaper and safer. What do you want more?! Take a look at some of the most astonishing electric vehicles in history in this infographic.

Garages of the Rich and Famous

Garages of the Rich and Famous

From classic convertibles to customized concept cars, celebrities’ love affair with automobiles has given the world more than a few amazing collections to admire. Here Horizon Structures shows us some of the most mind-blowing garages of celebrities with a serious addiction to speed and style.

Automotive History: Car Brand Logos & Retired Vehicles

This Automotive History infographic showcases the history of car brand logos and retired vehicles. The history and evolution of automobiles helps us see and realize how far the automotive industry has come in such a short period of time and how we got there. As technological advances continue and consumer needs change, so do the vehicle models released and retired by the car companies.

The Truth & Consequences of Texting While Driving

One of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving is texting. In fact, drivers that text are 23 times more likely to be in an accident. Nearly all Canadian drivers think it’s unsafe, but more than a third admit to doing it, and that needs to change.

Tale of the Tolls

It can be one of the most frustrating times for a driver. You’re heading to the beach on a family vacation and all of a sudden there’s a toll and you have no loose change! We often accept tolls as a necessary evil but many people aren’t aware of the history and facts behind toll roads. After hours of research, CJ Pony Parts has put together the facts you need to know about tolls including most expensive roads, which states have the most tolls, and even where E-ZPass is accepted.

Fatal Accidents in USA

It’s human nature to believe you will never have an accident. Everyone likes to think they are good drivers and can always avoid a crash. Unfortunately, the statistics do not lie. In 2010, there were about 5.5 million accidents reported to the police. That’s 14,846 a day, or 618 an hour, or 10 a minute. Worse, is the unreported number of accidents.

Super Sedan – Australia’s Most Powerful Production Car

Australian muscle pioneers, Holden, have just released the HSV Gen-F GTS, the most powerful Australian production car ever. But just how well does this Antipodean upstart compare to its American and European competitors? Once you’ve seen just how well the Holden fairs, check out more car reviews with ratings at where thousands of cars are compared and reviewed.