Transportation Infographics

Electric Cars vs Gas Cars

The following infographic compares everything from emissions to gas consumption of electric-powered cars vs gas-powered cars. There are a lot of great facts and informative stats that may even help you decide on your next auto purchase.

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Royal Rides: How Britain’s Royal Family Gets Around

The members of the Royal Family need a way to get to all of the more than 3,000 engagements they carry out each year. That’s where their Royal Carriages, cars, and other modes of transport factor in. This infographic from breaks down their Royal rides, and find out what sets them apart from more everyday vehicles.

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Going Up: Elevators in Skyscrapers

Elevators are very interesting machines that most of us never think about. We often don’t consider it, but all elevators differ in size, speed, distance traveled, and several other aspects. This infographic is here to give us some interesting facts and figures on something most of us take for granted.

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What Moves Us: Public & Private Transport in the U.K.

The roads, railways, and bus routes that criss-cross the UK serve as lifelines for industry, commerce, and everyday life. So how is everyone getting around? This infographic from breaks down the buts and bolts of public and private transport in the UK today.

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How Your Home and Car Affect Your Car Insurance Premium

Have you ever wondered how your car insurance is priced? This infographic covers many variables that affect the cost of your insurance. For instance: If you live within one mile of a gas station your probability of making a physical damage claim is 22% higher then somebody who lives further away from the gas station.

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Facts About the 2011 Detroit Auto Show

Did you know the Detroit Auto Show employs more than 65 car polishers every year? 65 people, just to polish cars. Learn more about what goes into a world-class auto show with this infographic.

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A Few Facts About Car Accidents

Did you know that worldwide about 1.2 million people die in automobile-related accidents each year? There were 33,963 last year in the United States alone. That’s 1/4 of all accidental deaths per year. Learn this and other alarming facts about automobile accidents in this infographic.

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Where are People Moving?

This new infographic from U-Pack Moving explores the moving rates and likelihood in the US. Find out where people from your state tend to move, and which states have the largest population overall.

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