Jan 12, 2017 | Animated Infographics, Business Infographics
New beginnings can be looked at in a myriad of ways: positively, negatively, pragmatically, stoically, and so on. If you’re one who holds new years in a high note, then you’re sure to hope for the best in 2017—like the past years as they started. Others can be unconcerned, at worst be apathetic, and just go on with their daily grind. Not saying this is wrong, mind you.
Jan 11, 2017 | Business Infographics
Does the exterior of your building needs a pick-me-up? Learn how the upkeep of your building’s appearance is an imperative factor for those who chose to use your services, as well as a protection method from potential crime and vandalism.
Jan 10, 2017 | Business Infographics
Houzz is home to 40 million users with 55% of users based in the United States. However, markets around the world, including the United Kingdom and Australia, continue to grow. The platform lets you browse over 12 million interior design photos. This visual asset from HalfPrice.com.au tells the story of Houzz from their launch in February 2009 to the present day.
Jan 4, 2017 | Business Infographics
The very essence of flat pack furniture is based on improvisation and creativity. The evolution of IKEA flat pack furniture is only one of many examples of creative and efficient thinking. Thanks to clever assembly improvements IKEA has managed to achieve impressive results in reducing costs and furniture prices. In this infographic, learn how Ikea flat pack furniture thrives and evolves.
Dec 29, 2016 | Business Infographics
Your company is having difficulties completing all projects? This might be a product of one or more most common issues that cause projects to fail. Knowing how to identify and counteract these key issues can bring you one step closer to being a part of only 3% of the companies that finish all of their projects.
Dec 27, 2016 | Business Infographics
Reachmail surveyed one thousand people who consider email significant to their work, to find out which parts of the country have the busiest professionals. They sought out to find how often American’s are checking their work email each day, the amount of emails they are sending each day, how quickly American workers respond to emails as well as how many unread emails are sitting in people’s inbox.
Dec 13, 2016 | Business Infographics
When many people think about office buildings, they think of boring structures to be endured rather than enjoyed. Yet across the world there are numerous teams of creative geniuses smashing that stereotype with innovative designs and beautiful buildings. In this infographic, Euroffice looks at the world’s most amazing office buildings.
Dec 12, 2016 | Business Infographics
Let’s face it. Remote work is here to stay. Technology has made it so that communicating with workers around the globe is easier than ever before. The ability to source the talent on a global scale has given employers the ability to hire the best possible person for the job, regardless of where she lives.
Dec 1, 2016 | Business Infographics
Customer engagement is the key to driving business and long-term success. By creating a personalized, repeatable customer experience, and delivering top customer service, you can keep your best customers coming back. For statistics on what customers want and how they want it, as well as what frustrates them and how that can impact your business, check out this infographic.
Nov 30, 2016 | Business Infographics
Millennials are quickly becoming the most prominent and desirable demographic group among businesses nationwide. It is no wonder why. By 2020, they are predicted to make up half of the U.S. workforce and control $24 trillion dollars globally. Not to mention, millennials are reaching the stage of life where big-ticket items (home mortgages, retirement planning) are becoming more important