Mar 21, 2016 | Business Infographics
While we spend a lot of time talking about Apple, Microsoft and Google, let’s take a little time to see how big the company Samsung is. Here is an infographic by Anup Kayastha from TufiTech, where he impressively demonstrates the company’s life and the progress.
Mar 18, 2016 | Business Infographics
As companies become more aware of how everything is connected, more businesses are embracing the idea that satisfied employees mean satisfied customers. And improving your company culture is as important as improving your product or service.
Mar 9, 2016 | Business Infographics
This infographic was created to distill much of the jargon that’s been floating around about growth hacking. Its made up of 11 strategies you can use as soon as today to move the needle forward with your business.
Feb 26, 2016 | Business Infographics
The importance of good customer service can not be exaggerated. Not only will you gain the loyalty of your current customers, but it will also be a very effective referral system, and in the long run more customers. The following infographic highlights three steps to better customer service.
Feb 24, 2016 | Business Infographics
This infographic looks at workplace trends such as more than 1 in 4 ‘Millennials’ will become managers in 2016, office space is shrinking and will continue to do so in 2016 and maternity leave will become an even bigger topic with 64% of employees saying that they want unlimited maternity leave.
Feb 23, 2016 | Business Infographics
With over millions of LinkedIn users thriving to be the eye candy of the viewers, you need to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is able to grab the right kind of attention and stands out from the crowd. Just like any other type of online marketing, having an optimized LinkedIn profile is a must-have in order to experience the best results.
Feb 22, 2016 | Business Infographics
Look around your office and guess which items were invented in the 1970’s? Tough huh? This question sparked a fun guessing game with the OfficeXpress people, which then inspired them to create this infographic showing ten inventions from the 1970’s that are still used in the offices around the world today.
Feb 10, 2016 | Business Infographics
Neil Patel is known for his amazing work in the digital world. He’s founded several companies including Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, Kissmetrics and his own personal blog. But it wasn’t all plain sailing for Neil. He didn’t grow up with a rich family and he had to battle for his dreams, right from his childhood through to his twenties.
Feb 4, 2016 | Business Infographics
According to the 2016 State of Small Business Report, 71 percent of business leaders expect revenue in 2016, a 14 percent increase over 2015’s revenue optimism. That optimism is holding up in the face of a few big hurdles, including hiring new employees and employee healthcare. Check out this infographic for a few of the highlights.
Jan 29, 2016 | Business Infographics
Building a distributed team is difficult. This infographic by will show you how to interview potential remote workers, including questions to ask, onboarding and more.