Apr 28, 2015 | Business Infographics
Is your business prepared for a disaster? The business continuity plan, or BCP, is the document by which you manage your organization after a critical loss of functions, resources or personnel. You hope you don’t need it, but without it, your organization may never recover. This infographic explains how to create, test and update a BCP to keep your organization covered during a time of crisis.
Apr 24, 2015 | Business Infographics
Good employees are key to the success of any company. Employers often forget that which why some of the best talents decide to seek job elsewhere. Make sure that doesn’t happen to you by following advices about employee retention strategy given in this infographic.
Apr 22, 2015 | Business Infographics
This infographic by Essaymama features the greatest and the most valuable startups that were founded by students. Did you know that such famous companies as Reddit, Dell, Wordpress and Time Magazine were launched by students?
Apr 15, 2015 | Business Infographics
Online ordering, and mobile ordering in particular, is no longer simply a nice add-on for consumers, it’s an expectation. Pizza options for example are about more than just toppings. People want multiple ways to place an order, as well. Here is an infographic that looks at this in more detail.
Apr 8, 2015 | Business Infographics
We all know that gas prices fluctuate all the time, but do you really understand how much gas prices affect small businesses and the overall economy? The constant changes in gas prices make it hard for small business owners to predict how to allocate time and money. Increases in gas prices can mean that many small businesses have to reduce hours given to employees and that consumers have less money to spend on goods.
Apr 2, 2015 | Animated Infographics, Business Infographics
Modern day conveyor automation is versatile. It allows for enhancement in existing infrastructures as well as supporting entirely new spaces. These conveyor systems have evolved to fit the demands of fast-paced industries. Here is an infographic by Dorner Conveyors showing you how.
Mar 27, 2015 | Business Infographics
The lack of company culture can be damaging to the bottom line of any company, but do companies really know how much of a difference happy employees make? The following infographic explores this in more detail.
Mar 25, 2015 | Business Infographics
You have no doubt heard of websites like Quora, Imgur, Snapchat and Mashable. You might be be surprised to know that all of their founders are below 30 years. What inspire these to be the youngest CEOs in tech? Here is a list of tech CEOs who have made our lives much easier. Have a look at this infographic and inspire yourself to become one of these.
Mar 19, 2015 | Business Infographics
Starting a business poses many questions, but first and foremost is the idea of location and how it will play a role in the startups imminent failure or success. When a startup company is set in motion one of the most fundamental questions to answer is, where in the world should this startup be launched? The following infographic breaks down the best places in the world for a startup company based on funding, education of the workforce, economic health, the level of taxing that exists, and what the cost of living looks like.
Mar 16, 2015 | Business Infographics
Uniform Advantage is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. They sell popular brands like Grey’s Anatomy, Cherokee and Wonder Wink Koi, Dansko, Skechers including their very own in-house brands. Their first line was launched in 1994. This infographic takes a look at their history.