DAM It’s About Saving Your Assets

Digital asset management (DAM) can save your business money. Check out this infographic by DAM Learning Center to find out how much time and money effective DAM can save you. DAM systems can lead to a highly positive return on investment (ROI) for many teams.

The Movers And Shakers Of Boston

You may not always think of Boston when you’re thinking about cities with a major business and startup culture, but you should. Boston has always been a major player in the business world and that culture is spilling over to new industries. Learn all about it in this infographic.

Amazon Vs. Alibaba: The Showdown

With China’s Alibaba on the verge of what will likely be the biggest IPO in history, we decided to compare some of their numbers with American E-commerce giant Amazon. Following are the surprising results put together in an infographic.

Safety at Sea

Shipping is one of the oldest industries in the world. With World Maritime Day recently taking place on September 25th, this infographic by Bracken Foam Fabricators explores the modern shipping industry, highlights the revolution in safety measures and demonstrates how you can apply maritime safety principles at home.

Light Up Your Home Office

Your home office should be properly and evenly lit with indirect lighting. It is recommended that you avoid overhead lighting where possible. Your office space should be lit so that there is no shadow or dead zones. This infographic from Beautiful Things Lighting aims at helping individuals understand the importance of using appropriate lighting in an office.

Why Actioning Customer Feedback Is So Important

If you’ve ever wondered why your business is not performing at the level you wish it would, who better to ask than your existing customers. Listen to your customers and involve them in the evolution of your business. See how effective a customer feedback campaign can be with this simple infographic.

Booming Cities in Texas

Houston, Austin, Odessa, and Dallas have been some of the fastest growing cities in Texas. From low unemployment rates to high population growth, these cities embodies the new found popularity that Texas has been receiving. Big businesses such as Toyota and State Farm are moving their headquarters to Texas.

Going Green in the MENA Workplace

In this infographic, Bayt.com explores the extent to which companies and professionals in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are aware of environmental issues affecting their lives and whether they’re adopting green practices.