Jun 26, 2014 | Business Infographics
While it isn’t the size of your data that matters, it’s how you use it. The role of big data in industries such as consumer packaged goods (CPG) is being utilized more than ever. This infographic courtesy of TIBCO Spotfire gives us a look into the world of CPG big data.
Jun 24, 2014 | Business Infographics
Here is an infographic that looks into the world of female entrepreneurship. It includes stats and figures surrounding female business owners within the UK and shows an amazing increase in the number of female entrepreneurs.
Jun 23, 2014 | Business Infographics
Package designers are always concerned about enhancing the functionality and shelf impact of their products. If you want to enhance your customer’s “defining moment,” the first step in achieving your next great design is answering these four key questions about plastic packaging in the following infographic.
Jun 20, 2014 | Business Infographics
Traditional spreadsheets and ledgers are quickly being replaced with revolutionary technology designed to simplify the tracking of assets. Here is an infographic from the team at Asset Panda that provides a “101” education of fixed asset tracking including what it is, why it is important and how it can help a business.
Jun 20, 2014 | Business Infographics
There are many different types of manufacturing in the UK – from shim washers through to the Automotive industry. This infographic looks at different aspects such as the earnings of each country. You will also see that automotive manufacturing is huge in the UK and they are leading exporters of shim washers within this and other industries.
Jun 18, 2014 | Business Infographics
The BeTheBoss.ca team surveyed over 450 franchisors that are currently in the Canadian market place. The results are in and they are happy to release the Top 100 Franchises Operating in Canada results. They decided to create an infographic to share and display what has been discovered.
Jun 13, 2014 | Business Infographics
With companies spending so much time, money and effort in training employees, they want to ensure they are getting the most out of their investment. The key is finding a training method that will be the most efficient and cost effective in the development of their staff. Although companies have traditionally been turning to outsourced training methods, this is no longer the case.
Jun 12, 2014 | Business Infographics
It’s important to keep your corporate data secure, however with BYOB becoming more and more popular the risk of data being leaked through lost devices is a growing concern. Check out the following infographic to learn about the importance of keeping your data secure.
Jun 10, 2014 | Business Infographics
Give and you shall receive. Check out the following infographic presented by the folks at CECP which takes a look at how giving back to communities can be great for business.
Jun 6, 2014 | Business Infographics
Returns can be a hassle. Especially for retailers. Check out the following infographic presented by DirectLiguidation.com to learn about the reverse logistics of refurbished electronics.