The Value of Clean

A modest investment in cleaning produces substantial returns. Check out the infographic to learn about how keeping it clean can make you more money.

Megachurch Megabusiness

Churches across America are shutting down at a rate of 1% while megachurches are growing at rate of 8%. Many have criticized them for using corporate techniques to create economic empires. All the while, smaller churches watch their flock migrate towards a religious experience that’s a little more… MEGA.

GE: The Biggest Brand in the World

We all know who they are. Heck, we’re betting that you’re in the same room with more than one General Electric product right now; aviation products, consumer electronics, household appliances, industrial power products, healthcare products, transportation, they pretty much do it all. And when you’ve been around as long as they have, it’s no wonder they’ve produced some of most innovative, revolutionary and just plain amazing products in the past generation.

5 Project Lessons To Take Into 2014

The 5 project lessons to take into 2014 infographic looks at what project and service based organizations see as their key challenges and pain points when running projects. The infographic sums up the key findings.