Mar 5, 2014 | Education Infographics
Education is under attack. From reduced spending and budget cuts to overcrowding and a lack of funds, schools are struggling more than ever. However, some of the largest companies in the world have taken notice, and are standing up for education, giving students new opportunities to expand their educational horizons.
Mar 5, 2014 | Education Infographics
NLP is a set of tools for personal change and development which offers powerful ways to create goals, reach them faster and with greater ease, resolve work or personal issues, reduce stress or accompany change. It can be a tricky subject to approach for the first time, so NLP School has made an easy to understand infographic to help ease you into NLP for the first time.
Mar 5, 2014 | Education Infographics
According to a report by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the U.S. school infrastructure system would receive a grade of D+. Factors such as older facilities, a lack of funding, and overcrowding have contributed to this sore state of America’s schools. Although the present state of school infrastructure leaves much to be desired, there are several possible solutions that may help rebuild America’s schools.
Feb 28, 2014 | Education Infographics
We all know those examples of celebrities who succeeded without graduating but the fact remains that education matters! As this infographic, there is strong evidence that economic growth has been accompanied by growth in both spending and participation in schooling.
Feb 28, 2014 | Education Infographics
Seems like kids hardly play outside anymore with video games, television and even the Internet keeping them busy. Check out the following infographic to learn about the importuning of playing outside.
Feb 27, 2014 | Education Infographics
In the battle of the search engine, Google, is by far the leader, with their powerful and innovative research tools including Google scholar, Google app engine, Google books, Google play, Google Earth, and of course – YouTube. In this infographic, learn how Google has changed research for grad students.
Feb 27, 2014 | Education Infographics
Is a bachelor’s degree even worth it anymore? Check out the following infographic from to see the numbers behind bachelor’s degrees.
Feb 25, 2014 | Education Infographics
Since time immemorial, educators have worked hand in hand with technology to create successful learners. This infographic encompasses the educational advances throughout the ages – from the horn book in the 1650s, to the pencil in 1900s, and to the tablet of present day. It shows how technology evolved year after year, how it shaped the face of learning, and how it will play a role in the future of education.
Feb 21, 2014 | Education Infographics
College is the big word on many students’ tongues. Let’s take a closer look at higher education in America in this infographic from
Feb 21, 2014 | Education Infographics
There is no one resource more important than our children. Special Education Degree has created an infographic entitled “Budget Cut Blues: How Special Education Students Are Among the Biggest Victims of Federal Spending Drops” detailing how we are leaving our children with special needs behind due to the latest round of budget cuts.