A College Student’s Guide To Finding Mentors

Do you have goals that you want to accomplish? Maybe get an internship this summer? Or complete a semester project before the last day? Or hit the gym a ton and get fit? This infographic shows you how you can accomplish your goals faster and easier by planning better through the help of a mentor.

The Evolution of the Language Lab

This infographic presents the origins, golden age and future of the language laboratory. The Schoolshape language lab is a cloud-based language lab that is constantly improved with suggestions from its users. It is especially effective in supporting mobile assisted language learning and teaching with the communicative method.

Top Social Universities in Canada

Universities compete fiercely with one another for funding, rankings, and for prospective students. But how about social influence? MediaMiser tracked Canada’s universities on Twitter and Facebook this winter to see which schools should be on the Dean’s social media list.

Are Public Schools Closing the Curtains on Creativity?

By now we’ve all heard that Uncle Sam’s current, economic status has led to nationwide budget cuts. While all departments are heaving under the weight of burdening finances, both budget cuts and reduction of available arts and humanities courses particularly plague the U.S. ‘creative industry’ sector.

Bang for Your Educational Buck

With a growing number of students unable to afford college tuition, many of these students are turning to a two-year degree in order to accomplish their educational goals. Degree Query has created an infographic detailing which associates degrees are proving to be worthwhile-even earning more than others with bachelor’s degrees.