May 14, 2012 | Education Infographics
Picking a college is never an easy decision. For most students, the choice is not simply a matter of where to spend the next four years, but more importantly, the institution their names will be attached to for a lifetime. With so much at stake — degree programs, career placement, alumni networks — it pays to look at the big picture instead of deciding impulsively.
May 2, 2012 | Education Infographics
Students are always looking for an edge when it comes to test taking — the latest energy drink, early-morning study groups, etc. But save the caffeine because good ol’ fashioned flashcards offer some of the most significant benefits of all.
Apr 13, 2012 | Education Infographics
While the average college experience isn’t quite what you might see in Animal House (actually I heard it can be worse), it is often referred to as a four year party. What drugs are college students taking, and what are some of the consequences? Find out in this infographic published by our friends at Best of the Web.
Apr 12, 2012 | Education Infographics
In today’s economy, employers pay more attention to the degree you get than ever before. Best Degree Programs has created an infographic with helpful information and facts to help you in achieving your job goal.
Mar 23, 2012 | Education Infographics
Rules for capitalization vary by language, country and even word usage. Simple rules for capitalizing proper nouns and writing the pronoun “I” in capital letters are helpful, but they don’t provide clear answers for every situation. This infographic from contains a few tips that are useful for determining when all capital letters should be used or when the first character needs to be written in capital letter form.
Mar 16, 2012 | Education Infographics
With America’s public school system in decline, more and more parents are turning to homeschooling as a solution to their children’s education. The surprising part? When it comes time to perform, homescholled children are blowing away everyone else out of the water. The following infographic takes a visual look at who is doing better- publicly schooled students or those who were homeschooled.
Mar 7, 2012 | Education Infographics
Out of all the revenue Uncle Sam pulls in each year, 4.8% of those precious tax dollars go toward education. But how, exactly, is that chunk of change used? The following infographic published by H&R Block breaks down the budgets and make sense of the dollars in the American education system.
Feb 16, 2012 | Education Infographics
Apple is on the verge of capturing yet another lucrative market with their iPad product and in the process, change education as we know it… Or are they? This infographic examines how expensive it would be to replace standard textbooks with iPads in our children’s’ schools.
Dec 20, 2011 | Education Infographics
The controversy surrounding No Child Left Behind and standardized testing may only be proving to be more and more inefficient. The new infographic by Best Masters in Education shows us where we are putting undo pressure and where we are no longer focusing.
Dec 9, 2011 | Education Infographics
This Infographic by provides information on social media use amongst professors in the United States, showing the percentage of college professors using social media, which tools they use, and how they use social media to connect with students regarding their curriculum.
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