Apr 6, 2018 | Education Infographics
Creating a good training program for teachers who need to learn how to use a new school LMS isn’t always easy. Things can get exhausting, time-consuming and expensive, but this doesn’t need to happen. That’s why the team at Neo LMS have put together a simple and easy to follow 8-step guide on how to create an LMS training program for your school.
Mar 22, 2018 | Education Infographics
Transitioning from traditional to online education is not as easy as it may seem. Back when new technologies were first introduced, advocates of traditional education were strongly against the changes that technology and online learning would soon bring to the table. Despite their attitudes, though, e-learning eventually did find its way into all the nooks and crannies of education and is now everywhere.
Mar 20, 2018 | Education Infographics
In 2018 podcasts are bigger than ever, with education being the second most popular topic and news being the third. So why has listening to podcasts rapidly become a favorite form of education for so many people? Check out the following infographic from the folks NoHatDigital.com at for 10 reasons why people love learning from podcasts
Mar 14, 2018 | Education Infographics
Exam season is coming and that means students across the land will be panicking in the build-up to securing their diplomas and entering the great wild world of work. However, did you know that 80% of students have admitted to procrastinating for 3 hours a day, whether that be browsing the internet, using social media, watching TV or spending time with friends.
Mar 14, 2018 | Education Infographics
Success in the classroom depends on more than just your child’s IQ. The way your child identifies, understands, and manages emotions can have an impact on everything from his or her relationships with classmates to performance in the classroom. Because of this, emotional intelligence is an important stepping stone to success, both inside the classroom and beyond.
Feb 26, 2018 | Education Infographics
If you have tried to apply for an entry level position only to be told you will need a costly graduate degree to even get your foot in the door, chances are you might have noticed the war on grad school. Learn more about making it work from this infographic from Master’s Programs Guide.
Feb 19, 2018 | Education Infographics
The educational sector is growing in proportional to the growth of technology. From tablets to virtual field trips, the influence of technology in the education sector has grown as we could have never imagined 10 years back. This infographic by Edufar is a peek towards the growing trends in the education sector.
Jan 9, 2018 | Education Infographics
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “how can I write my essay quickly,” then this infographic may be of help to you. It includes 20 words and phases that will help you write an excellent essay. You will be able to create a logical structure and show your high level of proficiency.
Dec 5, 2017 | Education Infographics
When a high school has one of the highest graduation rates in the United States, you would assume the teachers are being compensated for doing such a great job, right? Well you may be surprised to learn that this is not always the case for some of our nation’s brightest and best schools. Learn which states have the highest graduation rates in this infographic.
Dec 4, 2017 | Education Infographics
Schools around the world are taking a progressive approach to education and D2L wanted to highlight some great examples in the following infographic. From the US to the UK to Singapore to Canada, innovation is taking many different forms. The infographic also takes a look at the progressive curriculum of schools in Finland where teachers are replacing subjects with an interdisciplinary approach to topics instead.