Jun 27, 2022 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Did you know that Internet celebrities can make more money than some A-list actors or pop singers? In 2021, YouTuber MrBeast earned an estimated $54 Million – the highest in YouTube history and matches Forbes’ top 54th earning celebrities of 2021 Vin Diesel. But how do these live streamers achieve their success? This infographic may be able to answer those questions.
Jun 13, 2022 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The origin of video game controllers can be traced back to the first computers, military operations, medical applications, and aerospace technology. This infographic explores the evolution of video game controllers starting from 1962, when a rudimentary control box was invented to help navigate the iconic early computer game Spacewar.
Feb 11, 2022 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is a useful infographic from the folks at Law Mergers & Acquisitions which features information about the lawyer movies that did the best at the box office. View the main actors, IMDB score, worldwide box office and a fun fact for 20 of the most popular films about lawyers by checking out this decent design.
Jan 11, 2022 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is an infographic from the folks at Matinée Sound & Vision that takes a look back at every Zelda game made on every Nintendo console. It also explores the design evolution of the protagonist and if you have high perception and memory, you may even remember some of these facts.
Oct 15, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
How many Disney theme parks are there around the world? Worldwide, there are 12 Disney theme parks across six different Disney resorts. Each of these resorts have distinct castles, rides, and attractions that make them unique. As of 2021, there are Disney owned resorts in Anaheim, Orlando, Hong Kong, Paris, Shanghai, and Tokyo.
Sep 7, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The Super Bowl is the most televised event every year with many people admitting to watching it more for the commercials than for the actual game. Many companies have created heartwarming, funny, and memorable commercials to play during one of these coveted Super Bowl ad spots, but which companies have had the most Super Bowl commercials since the very first Super Bowl game took place in 1967?
Aug 23, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The team at Equipboard dug through data from 17,657 musicians – from bedroom producers to festival-headlining, chart-topping acts – and looked at their DAW software usage to find out the best DAWs and the genres they are correlated with. Does the music you make & DAW you use match up to their findings? Read on to find out.
Jul 26, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is a curated list of the best video game conventions taking place across the globe in 2021. Gaming fans can observe that most of the world’s top industry events will return live following the COVID-19 outbreak, with some organizers keeping the festivities exclusively online in view of the current climate.
May 19, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Which car has made the most appearances on film and television? The team at Alan’s Factory Outlet turned to the popular Internet movie car database, IMCDB, to find the answer. Their ultimate list of cars in movies covers more than 70,000 pieces of media, including movies, animated features, movies made for TV, miniseries, TV series, short films, music videos, documentaries, and nonfiction TV.
Mar 26, 2021 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
You know what the gambling movie thrill is all about? The risk. Whenever there’s a casino involved in a story, you either win big or lose big. Any gambling movie hero has a pretty clear goal to face. Simply add an interpersonal friction and some action on a way to achieving that goal and, voilà, a good plot conflict is all set up. That is why gambling stories have always made good movies.
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