13 Emerging Bands for 2013

Through analyzing social media growth captured from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as well as artist data on new bands, Sonicbids is pleased to introduce you to the top 13 emerging bands for 2013 who are producing some of the best new music currently available.

Guitars of Legend – That Rock and Roll Sound

Alright all you guitar players and lovers of music. This infographic from Silver Oak Casino looks at the details and history of guitars belonging to Bruce Springsteen (the Esquire), Tom Morello (Arm the Homeless), Prince (Cloud), Neil Young (Old Black), Jimmy Page (doubleneck), Eric Clapton (Blackie), and of course one of my all-time favorites, Stevie Ray Vaughn (Strat Number One).

State of the Music Licensing Industry – 2013

Here is an infographic report providing detailed analysis of the current state of the Music Licensing Industry. The report provides insightful data on the global multi-billion dollar music licensing industry, and highlights the prolific use of retitling amongst music licensing companies, as well as the size of the industry and current trends and roles within music licensing.

Scandal: Dramatic and Life-Changing Moments

ABC’s sizzling drama “Scandal” explores the explosive personal and professional intrigue at a Washington D.C. crisis management firm. This infographic presented by InsuranceQuotes delves into the numbers behind four life-changing moments that have rocked several characters in the show. Check it out below to learn more.

Disneyland: Maintaining Walt Disney World

Everyone knows the Disney Parks across the world are known as the magical kingdom, but no one ever takes the time to think about what it takes to maintain the magic. Hundreds of thousands of people can pour into a Disney Park over the course of a single month, and if left alone the parks could and probably would fall apart, but it is the maintenance workers that keep it together. Just exactly how much maintenance is required to keep Walt Disney World looking perfect?

How Twitter Saw The Oscars 2013

Nothing sparks a Twitter storm like well-dressed A-listers at an awards ceremony. Of course staying up for the Oscars for those in the UK takes a whole lot of commitment, that’s why Silverbean took the easy route and turned to Twitter. Here is their handy guide to what you missed online and IRL.

10 Astounding Gig World Records

If you’re interested in the ten most amazing records ever set in the music industry, this handy infographic from the folks at StubHub is for you. Are you itching to know which band’s tours sell out the fastest? Or who attracts the biggest crowds? Maybe you’re interested in learning about the deepest ever concert. It’s all in here, along with a host of other facts we’re sure you won’t have heard before, courtesy of Guinness World Records.

The Cost of Exploring Space: Film vs. Reality

When the first sci-fi film was shown in 1902 it stirred the public’s interest in space exploration. As very few of us will qualify to become astronauts we can still enjoy space travel through the mediums of cinema and television. This infographic looks at the costs involved and compare science fiction to science fact.