The Evolution of Nerds on TV

This infographic from is dedicated to the “nerd characters” that graced our living rooms in the past and gave us a lifetime of fun memories. One such example is the character of Ugly Betty to name a few. I am pretty sure that viewers will agree with me that these nerd characters on TV have made some shows more fun to watch.

The Rise of Rock Music Festivals

With festival season well underway, millions of fans around the world are loading up their tents and coolers and shelling out cash to travel to the top parties of the summer. From Ancient Greece to Lollapalooza, this infographic from takes a look at some of the biggest music festivals in the world as well as the current trends in festival attendance including a portrait of the typical festival goer.

Dead Celebs: Only The Good Die Young

It seems like every year we lose a celebrity (or two) to an overdose. Not to mention most of them barely ever make it to age 30. This infographic presented by Living Sober highlights some of the most famous celebrity overdoses, all the way from Jimi Hendrix to Heath Ledger.

Movie & Television T-Shirt Anthology

Not so much an infographic in my opinion but I thought I’d post this here simply because it is fun. It features movie characters wearing t-shirts from 55 different movies and/or television shows through out the years. Can you guess who each person is? Answers are at the bottom but don’t cheat!

Atari: 40 Years of Fun!

I still remember the days growing up as a kid and playing Atari games such as Pong, Asteroids and one of my all-time favorites, Centipede. Being the old guy that I am now, I still favor those games over today’s virtual reality types of games. When I cam across this Atari timeline infographic at Mashable, I just had to post it here.