Aug 13, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Superhero movies are incredibly popular right now. Avengers: Endgame made more than $2.7 billion worldwide in 2019, making it the highest-grossing film of all time. Their popularity is not showing any signs of stopping, either. Both Marvel and DC have multiple projects in the works. But which superheroes have earned the most money at the box office? The following infographic breaks down how much 30 major superheroes have made at the movies, from standalone films to big budget ensemble movies.
Aug 4, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The past decade was an incredibly lucrative time for movies. From box office favorites like Star Wars to the highly successful films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many memorable films were produced during the 2010s. This infographic highlights the 25 highest-grossing movies of 2010s and where in the world the majority of their box office revenue came from.
Jul 21, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Thrills and danger are often two sides of the same coin. Roller-coasters are an excellent example of this dynamic. The fear of cars flying off the track, support beams collapsing, or safety bars failing pop into the minds of riders, making their hearts pound all the more. Fortunately, roller-coaster accidents are relatively rare. In fact, the likelihood of dying on a roller coaster is one in 750 million. This infographic explores the major accidents and injuries that have happened at U.S. amusement parks in the past 10 years.
Jul 9, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is an infographic courtesy of detailing the history of guitar effects, starting all the way back to the 1930s with Rickenbacker’s Vibrola Spanish Guitar and progressing to the present day. Along the way, we see iconic guitar-effect breakthroughs like gain and reverb in the 1940s to 1950s’ effects like fuzz and distortion.
Jun 12, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
While poker originated hundreds of years ago and has grown into popular pastime activity, the history of poker is not as clear or widely known to the general public. To give you an idea of how poker history developed over the years, the folks at My Poker Coaching have created this infographic which will help you see how it grew to what it is today.
Jun 4, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The United Kingdom features more than 40 theme parks. From the sprawling 910-acre Alton Towers with its extensive collection of rides to the immensely popular Legoland, each one promises a great day out for the entire family. In terms of visitor numbers, Legoland is the most visited UK theme park, attracting well over 2 million people in 2018. Alton Towers isn’t far behind, drawing more than 2 million visitors.
Jun 3, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Marvel Studios have created the most eye-catching characters of the decade. Amadine pays tribute to all-time fan favorites and has created the following infographic which illustrates various data on the most popular heroes and their performance, top box office, interesting facts about movies, and more.
May 19, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
A TV show’s final episode can make or break a series. If the finale doesn’t live up to the expectations of fans and critics, the show’s legacy is tarnished and is often what people will remember the most. Consistent storytelling is key, and shows that maintain that consistency through the course of the series are remembered for it. This infographic ranks 100 of the most popular TV series by the ratings of their final episodes.
Apr 27, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
The world of video games has greatly evolved over the past few decades, and so have the video game characters that we’ve all come to know and love. From the Super Mario Brothers to the brutal fighters of the Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter universes, so many characters have gone through some interesting evolutions, to say the least. In this infographic, take a closer look at how 20 notable characters from the world of gaming have changed.
Mar 18, 2020 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
A study of 2,000 film fans by Jardine Motors Group has revealed the Mini chase in the Italian Job is the best car movie scene of all time. The memorable six-minute-long scene, with the three iconic Mini models being pursued by police, rolling down stairs and even scaling buildings, topped the poll.
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