ICU Wasting Energy, Hospitals!

Did you know that healthcare facilities use 9% of all commercial energy consumption in the U.S. and the energy use intensity (Btu/sq. ft./year) of inpatient healthcare facilities is second only to fast food establishments? Check out the following infographic by the team at Computrols for more statistics regarding energy usage in healthcare facilities and the adoption rate of various energy-saving technologies and strategies.

Top Ten Reasons You Need A Reusable Water Bottle

Build healthy hydration habits, save money, and reduce waste with a simple change to the way you drink water. This infographic, compiled by the drinking water experts at, provides ten simple reasons for switching to reusable water bottles and never bothering with a disposable drink container again and will help you to find the best water bottle for yourself.

Fall Leaf Identification Guide

This ultimate fall leaf identification guide has leaves from 50+ of the most trees from North America, with tips on how to tell them apart from one another. When you’re done, you’ll be able to wow even the most practiced botanist or dendrologist. Impress your friends during autumn while you figure out which is which (and then make like a tree and leave).

Shaped By Water

From the Grand Canyon to the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, the movement of water over time has crafted some of the world’s most striking landscapes and spaces. However, climate change and the warming planet has the potential to alter some of these naturally formed landmarks forever. To help shed some light on this, High Tide Technologies visualized the top 15 travel destinations that were shaped by water.

Clean and Green Hospitals

Looking after the environment has become a priority of many hospitals. Innovative buildings designed for healthcare are now also choosing to care about the surroundings as well as their patients. It’s not only good for the earth, but provides a more holistic approach to a patient’s health. Futuristic, state of the art facilities, are winning awards and making their mark on the architectural world.

Neonics – How They’re Killing Our Bees

Global bee populations have been plummeting for some time, and it’s no exaggeration to say that if it carries on the way it’s going, both bees and humans could be in a spot of trouble. There are various reasons why bee populations are falling, such as habitat destruction and disease, but one of the biggest causes is a pesticide known as Neonics. This infographic delves deeper into what these Neonics are, how they’re used.

Saving The Planet One Mile At A Time

With the whole motoring world doing what it can nowadays to create brand new cars that have as close to zero carbon footprint as possible, the folks at Select Car Leasing have put together this infographic to guide people who own slightly older cars so they can also cut down their carbon footprint by doing a few simple things.

USA’s Greenest Hospital

The following infographic takes a look at some of the most environmentally friendly hospitals in the USA. These innovative hospitals are choosing to look after the environment as well as their patients. With modern, state of the art facilities, eco-friendly hospitals are winning awards for their efforts.