Mar 11, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
Electronic waste is a growing problem in the UK and throughout the world. The precious metals and toxic materials inside cell phones must be handled properly. It is important for cell phone users to dispose of and recycle their devices responsibly and ethically. Learn more about these issues in the following infographic.
Mar 8, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
This infographic shows why the clean and renewable energy path is a better choice for Canadians than the traditional path. Learn how investing in Canada’s most abundant resource, sun, could result in more skilled jobs and better economic growth.
Mar 7, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
With a growing awareness of the myriad of threats now facing modern society, an increasing emphasis is being placed on policies of sustainability, environmental protection, and green living. This infographic looks at what six of the world’s largest cities are doing in the name of going green.
Feb 25, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
The battle wages on – that is between two of sci-fi’s most iconic franchises, Star Trek and Star Wars. It is s a battle that has been discussed by fans for over 30 years now. And with the recent news of J.J. Abrams accepting the director’s job on the next Star Wars film, the flames have been fanned.
Feb 7, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
From developing technologies to help make building infrastructures stronger to the reconstruction efforts after a natural disaster, Civil Engineers play a crucial role in our society before and after hurricanes, tornados, floods, earthquakes, and blizzards. This infographic examines a the many roles they play and how important they are to each stage of natural disaster preparation and recovery.
Jan 17, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
Green building is smart building. Aside from their obvious benefit to the environment, green buildings deliver financial savings, are more comfortable, healthier, return higher productivity rates and have higher resale values. See this infographic by Green Building Canada for a quick look at why building green makes so much sense.
Jan 11, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
It’s no secret that construction projects produce a lot of waste. If your firm practices smart waste management, you can recycle asphalt, concrete, plastics, glass, and much more. This infographic from Rent Dumpsters has more information about recycling and its benefits.
Dec 31, 2012 | Environmental Infographics
The amount of lumber used to build homes in the U.S. each year could stretch around the circumference of the Earth 120 times. If construction companies start to recycle materials like lumber, we can drastically reduce our country’s waste production. This waste management and recycling infographic shows you more.
Dec 19, 2012 | Environmental Infographics
Catastrophic weather is no joke. Some people lose everything, including loved ones, and have to rebuild their lives from scratch. Our friends at Bluhomes know how tough it can be and are offering a discount to those affected by the very recent Hurricane Sandy.
Dec 14, 2012 | Environmental Infographics
Recycling is an amazing thing, when it works. Unfortunately when it comes to plastic cards there’s a slight problem. Not all plastic gets recycled. Normally only bottles made from PET and HDPE are recycled. Most municipal facilities are simply not capable of recycling other types of plastic. So with plastic cards, the key is to get the printing right.