Payment Showdown – Race to a Zero Balance

Americans currently owe $854.2 billion in credit card debt and there are more than 600 million credit cards currently in use in America. The average American household carries about $7,000 in credit card debt. When consumers find themselves buried in debt, high interest rates and fees can make it difficult to pay off their balances.

Where In The World Is The Gold?

The folks at Physical Gold have been looking into where the majority of the world’s gold comes from. This led the them to look into where the top 10 producing gold mines are. After sourcing the information, they decided to visually represent the information in the form of this infographic.

Credit vs Debit Cards

This infographic is a quick comparison guide between both types of cards. It shows at a glance the pros and cons of having a credit or a debit card considering interest rates, credit limit, overdraft fees, sources of funds, and others.

Official Discount Broker Reviews

Each discount broker is different, except for one fact – if you’re going to trade stocks, you are going to need one! Peter Leeds has delved into the numerous discount brokers and assessed just about every aspect of their business. This infographic shows the findings. Ideally, this will help you assess which one is best for your needs, and even if you should consider switching to a better one.

Rent vs Buy: Where Should You Invest?

Investing in property can be confusing. Figuring out the where, when, how, and why of your investment choices may seem like an insurmountable task. Here is an infographic entitled “Rent vs Buy: Where Should You Invest?” detailing some of the newest trends in real estate, include where you should – and shouldn’t – own or rent.