Where Startup Funding Really Comes From

According to data compiled by Fundable, only 0.91 percent of startups are funded by angel investors, while a measly 0.05 percent are funded by VCs. In contrast, 57 percent of startups are funded by personal loans and credit, while 38 percent receive funding from family and friends. In this infographic, Entrepreneur.com looks at where startup funding comes from.

What Is Next For The Federal Reserve?

With Ben Bernanke’s tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve coming to a close and a new chairman being selected, it’s helpful to take time to review the impact Bernanke has had on our nation’s economy. Many have praised Bernanke for work he has done as chairman. Bernanke has also had what many consider to be his fair share of failures. So what’s in store for the Federal Reserve once Bernanke steps down?

The SSD Application Process: Know Your Rights!

According to The Social Security Administration, an estimated 58 million Americans will receive $816 billion Social Security benefits in 2013. Will you be one of them? While great emphasis is placed on financial planning to secure adequate funds for retirement, not nearly enough attention is paid to the possible onset of future disability. However, studies show that just over 1 in 4 of adults who are 20 and older will become disabled before reaching the age of 67.

It’s All About The Benjamins, Baby!

We all use money to engage in commerce every day, but have you ever stopped and looked at the pictures of the people on your money and asked, “Who are you, and how did you end up there?” In this infographic, Chargeback.com takes a look at our currency in the U.S. and answer the question of who is on our money and why.

Surviving a Zombie Portfolio

Is something not quite right about your investment portfolio? Perhaps there is something sinister lurking in your investments, costly charges, under-performing funds and super high risk? There are a number of zombie portfolios out there giving the false impression that you are getting good value for your money. Well rplan shows us how to spot an investment zombie and ways to counter the damage.

History of Life Insurance

Today, the insurance industry has been through mergers and consolidations as laws have changed, and automation has enabled companies to do more with fewer people employed. Today insurance is more profitable than ever as people live longer and pay more into their policies. This infographic looks at the history of life insurance.

Student Debt – Learn How To Get Rid of It

Even though President Obama has been trying to get in control rising student debt, what is now being termed a valid crisis, through policies on college education trying to help students make better choices by rating colleges and pay as you earn relief programs, the student loan situation is getting out of hand. Financial aid may be a necessity for some who have their sights set on higher education.