History of Nursing

Loyola’s School of Nursing has always remained at the forefront of nursing education, and is constantly striving to stay current with the latest medical innovations and techniques. But where did nursing itself begin? Discover nursing’s history in this infographic simply entitled “History of Nursing.”

The Appeals and Advantages of Aesthetic Dentistry

Say cheese! A smile is something you should show off, but that can be difficult if you don’t like the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry offers an assortment of procedures that improve the look, feel, and function of your pearly whites. View the following infographic from Dr. Jason Kasarsky DDS to learn more.

STD Heat Map

Most people don’t really talk about STD’s, which could be part of the problem, but that’s another story. If you are a sexually active adult you might want to know of places that have a higher STD rate. This infographic presented by bestmedicaldegrees.com provides a snapshot of places you might want to avoid when looking for sex.

What Are Doctors Thinking?

I’m sure you’ve wondered a time or two; just what is your doctor thinking? This infographic from Epocrates delves into the medical mind, exploring just what it is that runs through your doctors brain. What bothers him/her? What kinds of medical emergencies have they had to deal with lately? All of this and more is answered below.

How Alcohol Travels Through the Body

Alcohol requires no digestion and is metabolized before many other nutrients. About 20% of the alcohol you drink passes through the stomach wall and can reach the brain within one minute.The remaining 80% passes through the small intestine before entering the bloodstream.
As Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) continues to rise, you begin to lose control of your cognitive functions and motor skills. Before you go drinking on an empty stomach, consider the following infographic from Total DUI which shows how alcohol travels through your body.

Electronic Health Records: How They Connect You and Your Doctors

How do electronic health records (EHRs) connect you and your doctor? In the past, medical data was only stored on paper, making it difficult for your health care providers to share your information. Between 2001 and 2011, the number of doctors using an EHR system grew about 57%, making it easier for you and all of your doctors to coordinate your care, and often reducing the chance of medical errors. Where are electronic health records headed?

The Not-So-Sweet Facts: Type 2 Diabetes Statistics

Type 2 Diabetes is a growing health problem in the United States and around the world. Millions of adults currently from both diagnosed and unrecognized insulin resistance and the side effects of Type 2 diabetes. This infographic from Healthline teaches about the increasing impact Type 2 Diabetes has on everything from pregnancy to national healthcare expenditures.

The Science of Bonking

Bonking, or Тhitting-the-wallУ is a feeling that athletes get when their bodyХs energy levels are depleted. Bonking results in nausea, cramping, fatigue, and usually a really bad rest of the day. The great thing is that with a little bit of science, bonking can be curbed or totally eliminated from your next long bike ride, run, or other endurance event. This infographic from Bonkkit shows you how to avoid the hurt in your next event.